The Twin Otter is a high-wing, twin-engine, turbo-prop aircraft. They are used all over the world and are known for their rugged construction, reliability and short take-off and landing performance. …
Category: Antarctica
Dash-7 aircraft
The De Havilland Canada Dash-7 (DHC-7) is a key element of our aircraft capability. This four-engined aircraft with a worldwide reputation for reliability, economy and performance made its first flight …
Clean Air Sector Laboratory (CASLab)
Specialised observatory with a suite of instruments to measure the air and snow chemistry around Halley.
Bonner Laboratory and dive facility
Supporting near-shore marine biology
RRS Ernest Shackleton
Used mainly for transporting staff and cargo to research stations. On charter when not in Antarctica
Sky-Blu Field Station
Supporting deep-field science missions
Fossil Bluff Field Station
Refuelling and meteorology facility to support deep-field science parties
Signy Research Station
Signy Research Station is one of Britain’s smallest stations, and is only occupied in summer. The island’s abundant wildlife and greenery make it an ideal outdoor laboratory. Research at Signy …
NEWS STORY: Columns widespread in Southern Ocean
5 March, 2015
Oceanographers discover ‘Taylor columns’ are widespread in Southern Ocean according to new research published recently in the Journal of Geophysical Research Lead author Professor Mike Meredith, a Senior Oceanographer at …
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NEWS STORY: Penguin colonies once limited
2 March, 2015
Survival of the fittest – genetics reveals where emperor penguins survived the last ice age During the last ice age, when much of the Antarctic coastline was uninhabitable due to …
NEWS STORY: Monument for Antarctic personnel
26 February, 2015
The Antarctic Monument remembers Britons lost in Antarctica A monument dedicated to Britons who lost their lives in the service of science in Antarctica was unveiled on the waterfront at …
NEWS STORY: Data recovered in Antarctica
11 February, 2015
BAS recovers American scientific data in Antarctica Staff from the British Antarctic Survey have recovered crucial scientific data from a giant helium balloon which came down in west Antarctica. The …
Halley VI Research Station
Halley VI Research Station, Brunt Ice Shelf, Antarctica
King Edward Point Research Station
King Edward Point is primarily a marine and fisheries research station. Owned by the Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI) and operated by British Antarctic Survey …
Bird Island Research Station
Bird Island Research Station is an important centre for research into bird and seal biology. Lying off the north-west tip of South Georgia, Bird Island is one of the richest …
Rothera Research Station
The largest British Antarctic facility is a centre for biological research and a hub for supporting deep-field science.
NEWS STORY: Christmas in Antarctica
19 December, 2014
British Antarctic Survey staff prepare to celebrate Christmas far away from home As you make the last preparations for the festive period, spare a thought for those who will be …
NEWS STORY: Satellites spot seabird poo!
11 December, 2014
Seabird poo has unique spectral signature visible from satellite images Scientists have discovered that penguin and seabird poo (guano) from colonies around the Antarctic Peninsula has a unique spectral signature …
NEWS STORY: Commemorating Antarctica Day
1 December, 2014
Antarctica Day 2014: 55 years since the signing of the Antarctic Treaty Today, 1 December, is Antarctica Day and people across the globe are celebrating! The Day was inaugurated in …
NEWS STORY: Glacier project on stamps
25 November, 2014
Stamp of approval for iSTAR The iSTAR programme, which is looking at the stability of Pine Island Glacier in Antarctica, is featured in a new set of British Antarctic Territory …
PRESS RELEASE: Mapping the ice from below
24 November, 2014
Underwater robot sheds new light on Antarctic sea ice The first detailed, high-resolution 3-D maps of Antarctic sea ice have been developed using an underwater robot. Scientists from the UK, …
NEWS STORY: Mountains frozen in time
19 November, 2014
Antarctic “ghost mountains” preserved by ice sheet A new study reveals how the rugged ridgelines of East Antarctica’s ancient and mysterious ‘ghost mountains’ have been preserved for millions of years …
NEWS STORY: New iSTAR season starts
11 November, 2014
Scientists head to Pine Island Glacier for new research season A team of twelve scientists and support staff has arrived on Pine Island Glacier in West Antarctica in the second …
NEWS STORY: BAS to host workshop
13 October, 2014
British Antarctic Survey hosts Chemical Air-Snow-Sea Ice Interaction workshop in Cambridge More than 60 scientists from over 15 countries are attending a workshop in Cambridge this week (13-15 October) to …
9 October, 2014
Tribute to former Director of British Antarctic Survey It is with great sadness the British Antarctic Survey reports that Dick Laws died on Monday 6 October 2014 aged 88. He …
NEWS STORY: New maps show unseen world
25 September, 2014
New maps of the polar regions reveal unseen world beneath the ice and highlight dramatic decline in Arctic sea ice cover New maps of the sub-ice features in Antarctica and …
NEWS STORY: Patagonian toothfish fishery
16 September, 2014
South Georgia Patagonian toothfish fishery recertified with flying colours Following its five-yearly Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) assessment, the South Georgia Patagonian toothfish longline fishery has, for the third time, been …
NEWS STORY: World Ozone Day
16 September, 2014
Today, 16 September, is the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. The date commemorates the signing of the Montreal Protocol, which sought to reduce atmospheric levels of …
NEWS STORY: Ice shelf break up explained
12 September, 2014
Antarctic Team Discovers Mechanism for Massive Ice Shelf Collapse New research has found that the cataclysmic break-up of a large floating ice shelf in the early 2000’s was primarily the …
NEWS STORY: Signs of ozone recovery
11 September, 2014
First signs of ozone layer recovery The ozone layer is showing the first signs of future recovery thanks to international action against ozone depleting substances, say the United Nations Environment …
NEWS STORY: Sea levels rising faster in Antarctica
1 September, 2014
Antarctic sea-level rising faster than global rate A new study of satellite data from the last 19 years reveals that fresh water from melting glaciers has caused the sea-level around …
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PRESS RELEASE: New marine life atlas
25 August, 2014
New Atlas of Southern Ocean marine life A new atlas, providing the most thorough audit of marine life in the Southern Ocean, is published this week by the Scientific Committee …
NEWS STORY: Priorities for Antarctic science
13 August, 2014
In April 2014, the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) brought together scientists and policy-makers from 22 countries to agree future Antarctic research priorities. Through discussions, debate and voting, the …
NEWS STORY: Power-down update
12 August, 2014
UPDATE Power-down at British Antarctic Survey Halley Research Station The 13 members of staff at Halley Research Station continue to remain safe and well following the power-down incident on 30 …
NEWS STORY: Power-down at Research Station
6 August, 2014
Power-down at British Antarctic Survey Halley Research Station – Statement British Antarctic Survey (BAS) is dealing with a serious operational incident at its Halley Research Station. On Wednesday 30 July …
PRESS RELEASE: Penguin trends analysed
6 August, 2014
Risks to penguin populations analysed A major study of all penguin species suggests the birds are at continuing risk from habitat degradation. Writing in the journal, Conservation Biology, a group …
NEWS STORY: Penguin Post Office
24 July, 2014
The Penguin Post Office, Bransfield House (Base A), is a little bit of Britain in Antarctica. Inside the British Base, run by the United Kingdom Antarctic Heritage Trust (UKAHT), the …
PRESS RELEASE: Fur seal genetics and climate change
23 July, 2014
Genetic study shows major impact of climate change on Antarctic fur seals Genetic analysis of Antarctic fur seals, alongside decades of in-depth monitoring,* has provided unique insights into the effect …
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NEWS STORY: Antarctic Science Strategy
16 July, 2014
Government publishes UK Antarctic Science Strategy A framework document ‘UK Science in Antarctica 2014-2020‘ is published today (Wednesday 16 July). Prepared by the UK National Committee for Antarctic Research on …
NEWS STORY: Emperor Penguins’ adaptation skills
24 June, 2014
New research using satellite images reveals that emperor penguins are more willing to relocate than previously thought A new study led by the University of Minnesota offers new insights on …
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NEWS STORY: Midwinter’s Day in Antarctica
20 June, 2014
Midwinter’s Day celebrations take place at Antarctic Research Stations Staff at the British Antarctic Survey are celebrating Midwinter’s Day in Antarctica. In a tradition which began in the days of …
NEWS STORY: Icebergs leave their mark
16 June, 2014
Climate related iceberg activity has massively altered life on the seabed Researchers from the British Antarctic Survey have found evidence that climate change has fundamentally altered the way that life …
NEWS STORY: Ancestral penguins studied
12 June, 2014
Rise and fall of prehistoric penguin populations charted The British Antarctic Survey has been involved in a study of how penguin populations have changed over the last 30,000 years. This …
NEWS STORY: Bridging the gap in the krill debate
9 June, 2014
Event: Understanding the objectives for krill fishing and conservation in the Scotia Sea and the Antarctic Peninsula Region Convened by the British Antarctic Survey, ICED and WWF WWF’s Living Planet …
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NEWS STORY: Southern Ocean dynamics
2 June, 2014
The Southern Ocean: new insights into circulation, carbon and climate A special issue of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A has been published today (Monday 2 June) which …
NEWS STORY: Changes in upper atmosphere
23 May, 2014
Earth’s magnetic field is important for climate change at high altitudes New research, published this week, has provided scientists with greater insight into the climatic changes happening in the upper …
PRESS RELEASE: New whale subspecies
21 May, 2014
Humpback whale subspecies revealed by genetic study A new genetic study has revealed that populations of humpback whales in the oceans of the North Pacific, North Atlantic and Southern Hemisphere …
PRESS RELEASE: Penguins monitored with tags
21 May, 2014
Electronic tags provide 10 years worth of penguin data A team of scientists, led by researchers from the British Antarctic Survey, has used tiny electronic tags to study the decline …
NEWS STORY: Design award for Halley VI
16 May, 2014
Halley VI honoured for outstanding design and construction It’s been quite a week for Halley VI, picking up numerous Architizer A+ awards in New York and winning two more at …
NEWS STORY: Funding announced for new ship
25 April, 2014
New polar research ship for UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Rt Hon George Osborne MP announced this week (Friday 25 April 2014) that the Government has earmarked more than …
NEWS STORY: New critter discovered on whale carcass
22 April, 2014
Chance discovery could be unique to whale bone habitat A new species of bug, similar in appearance to the common woodlouse, has been found plastered all over a whale carcass …
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NEWS STORY: Geology under the ice
11 April, 2014
An international research team has generated the first comprehensive map of geology beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet that will help to understand long-term changes in the largest ice sheet …
NEWS STORY: Accolade for Halley VI engineers
10 April, 2014
Halley engineers AECOM Shortlisted for ICE London Civil Engineering Award AECOM’s British Antarctic Survey Halley VI Antarctic Research Station project has been shortlisted for the ICE London Civil Engineering Awards’ …
NEWS STORY: Another award for Halley VI
3 April, 2014
Halley VI: recognition for a unique and innovative research station After receiving two Civic Trust awards last month, British Antarctic Survey’s Halley VI Research Station has scooped yet another award …
NEWS STORY: Pass the panda for Earth Hour
28 March, 2014
BAS staff support WWF’s Earth Hour with cuddly friend! This Saturday, 29 March, is WWF’s Earth Hour. Earth Hour aims to focus the world’s attention on the planet and the …
NEWS STORY: Understanding how ecosystems function
18 March, 2014
Lessons from a remote Antarctic island on the vulnerability of ecosystems Scientists have carried out new research that could change the way we think about the vulnerability of ecosystems. Published …
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NEWS STORY: Crucial conditions for phytoplankton
16 March, 2014
Winter conditions crucial for phytoplankton growth in Southern Ocean An international team of researchers, including the British Antarctic Survey, has found new evidence that winter conditions in the Southern Ocean …
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NEWS STORY: Halley VI wins two awards
12 March, 2014
British Antarctic Survey’s Halley Research Station scoops two 2014 Civic Trust Awards British Antarctic Survey’s Halley Research Station received a 2014 Civic Trust Award and a Civic Trust Special Award …
NEWS STORY: Volcanoes helped life survive ice ages
10 March, 2014
New research suggests that life survived past ice ages with the help of volcanoes. An international collaboration, including scientists from the British Antarctic Survey, has found new evidence that the …
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PRESS RELEASE: Glacier’s thinning charted
20 February, 2014
Previous rapid thinning of Pine Island Glacier sheds light on future Antarctic ice loss New research, published this week in Science, suggests that the largest single contributor to global sea …
NEWS STORY: First phase of glacier mission ends
10 February, 2014
First leg of Antarctic iSTAR mission accomplished A team of British scientists has returned from a gruelling 1500km journey across the ice of West Antarctica after successfully completing the first …
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NEWS STORY: Airborne geophysics in the Antarctic
27 January, 2014
In this month’s International Innovation journal Dr Fausto Ferraccioli discusses how airborne geophysics can be used to uncover the geology of Antarctica and explore some of the Earth’s final frontiers. …
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NEWS STORY: UK leading scientists listed
16 January, 2014
A list published this week by the Science Council features British Antarctic Survey Director, Professor Jane Francis as one of 100 UK leading practising scientists The list is the result …
NEWS STORY: Giant trench under Antarctic Ice
15 January, 2014
What lies beneath – scientists discover giant trench under Antarctic Ice A massive ancient subglacial trough — deeper than the Grand Canyon — has been discovered by a team of …
NEWS STORY: Glacier thinning at point of no return
14 January, 2014
Focus on Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica Pine Island Glacier, on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) is the largest single contributor to sea-level rise in Antarctica. The stability of the …
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NEWS STORY: New Year’s Honour
9 January, 2014
New Year’s Honour for BAS Head of Operations John Hall, Head of Operations and Logistics (OPAL) at BAS, was among those named in the New Year’s Honours List. He was …
PRESS RELEASE: Antarctic emperor penguins
8 January, 2014
Antarctic emperor penguins may be adapting to warmer temperatures A new study of four Antarctic emperor penguin colonies suggest that unexpected breeding behaviour may be a sign that the birds …
PRESS RELEASE: Pine Island Glacier and climatic variability
2 January, 2014
Pine Island Glacier sensitive to climatic variability A new study published in Science this month suggests the thinning of Pine Island Glacier in West Antarctica is much more susceptible to …
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NEWS STORY: Christmas at the stations
25 December, 2013
Celebrating Christmas in Antarctica Being at the height of the Antarctic Summer the Christmas period was a very busy time at the bases and although it was not as eagerly …
NEWS STORY: Greetings from Antarctica
24 December, 2013
Christmas messages from Antarctic staff Many British Antarctic Survey scientists and support staff will be spending this Christmas thousands of miles from home on the frozen continent. BAS has five …
NEWS STORY: New research on ocean currents
22 December, 2013
New research sheds light on history of polar current Research conducted by a team that included scientists from British Antarctic Survey reveals the ocean current moving around the South Pole …
NEWS STORY: Staff head into deep Antarctica
20 December, 2013
British Antarctic Survey field season is underway On the eve of the centenary year of Ernest Shackleton’s Endurance Expedition the ship which bears his name is playing a crucial role …
NEWS STORY: Mapping Antarctica’s last frontier
13 December, 2013
Mapping of remote Antarctic frontier will help model its reaction to climate change and unlock secrets of Earth’s ancient supercontinents. For the first time scientists have begun mapping one of …
NEWS STORY: World’s coldest place identified
12 December, 2013
Scientists working at the United States National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) said this week they have identified the coldest place on Earth using satellite observations of surface temperature. …
NEWS STORY: Climate change effects on shellfish
9 December, 2013
BAS takes the lead in ambitious science programme to aid fishing industry and monitor effects of climate change on Europe’s shellfish The supply of shellfish we buy at the supermarket …
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NEWS STORY: Climate records from ice cores
5 December, 2013
New ice core record shows climate variability in West Antarctica A 308-year ice core record provides new data on climate variability in coastal West Antarctica and shows that a clear …
NEWS STORY: Scientists contribute to oral history
3 December, 2013
Voices of Science: a new British Library oral history archive A major oral history project to gather the life stories of British scientists has culminated in the launch of a …
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NEWS STORY: New marine species identified
3 December, 2013
New species recovered from Amundsen Sea More than thirty new, and, as yet unclassified, species of marine life were discovered during a science expedition to the Amundsen Sea off Pine …
NEWS STORY: Marking Antarctica Day
27 November, 2013
Antarctica Day was inaugurated in 2010 to celebrate the 1st December 1959 signature of the Antarctic Treaty, which was adopted “with the interests of science and the progress of all …
NEWS STORY: Earthquakes strike Scotia Sea
18 November, 2013
Series of large earthquakes in Scotia Sea close to South Orkney Islands A series of earthquakes has been detected in the Scotia Sea region close to the British Antarctic Survey’s …
NEWS STORY: “Stripes” hinder ice flow
8 November, 2013
Tiger stripes’ under Antarctic glacier slow the flow Narrow stripes of dirt and rock beneath massive Antarctic glaciers create friction zones that slow the flow of ice toward the sea, …
NEWS STORY: Book prize for Halley doctor
4 November, 2013
Former BAS doctor wins prestigious book prize A GP who wrote a book about his time working as the British Antarctic Survey’s doctor at the Halley V research station has …
NEWS STORY: Fishing limits to be discussed at meeting
23 October, 2013
CCAMLR underway in Hobart The annual gathering of international Antarctic scientists and policy makers is under way at Hobart in Australia. Twenty-five delegations from around the world have arrived in …
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NEWS STORY: Ice Lab exhibition in Manchester
17 October, 2013
Ice Lab: New Architecture and Science in Antarctica 21 October 2013 – 6 January 2014, 11am – 5pm Free entry Museum of Science & Industry, Liverpool Road, Castlefield, Manchester M3 …
NEWS STORY: Antarctic experts gather in Australia
16 October, 2013
World’s Antarctic marine experts converge on Hobart Hobart’s annual gathering of international Antarctic scientists and policy makers is underway. Twenty-five flags flying outside the offices of the Commission for the …
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NEWS STORY: Construction award for Halley VI
10 October, 2013
British Antarctic Survey’s Halley Research Station wins British Construction Industry Award 2013 British Antarctic Survey’s Halley Research Station won a prestigious British Construction Industry (BCI) International Award at a ceremony …
NEWS STORY: Award for innovative map
3 October, 2013
Map makers rewarded for stunning recreation of Antarctic without ice A colourful British Antarctic Survey map has won a coveted award. The map, created by the institution’s MAGIC (Mapping and …
NEWS STORY: Closing event for Ice Lab in Glasgow
24 September, 2013
Exciting closing event for Ice Lab exhibition, Gallery Two, The Lighthouse, Glasgow Commissioned by the British Council and curated by the Arts Catalyst, Ice Lab: New Architecture and Science in …
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NEWS STORY: Submerged mountains aid ocean mixing
18 September, 2013
Undersea mountains provide crucial piece in climate prediction puzzle A mystery in the ocean near Antarctica has been solved by researchers who have long puzzled over how deep and mid-depth …
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NEWS STORY: Ice melt rates measured
13 September, 2013
Antarctic research details ice melt below massive glacier An expedition of international scientists to the far reaches of Antarctica’s remote Pine Island Glacier has yielded exact measurements of an undersea …
PRESS RELEASE: Evidence of life in frozen sediments
10 September, 2013
Life found in the sediments of an Antarctic subglacial lake for the first time Evidence of diverse life forms dating back nearly a hundred thousand years has been found in …
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NEWS STORY: Mission to Pine Island Glacier
9 September, 2013
Ambitious science mission sets off for Antarctica A team of British scientists is making final preparations for an ambitious Antarctic science mission. They aim to discover what’s causing the recent …
NEWS STORY: Halley Research Station at Ice Lab
3 September, 2013
New Architecture and Science in Antarctica 26 Jul – 02 Oct Gallery Two, The Lighthouse, Glasgow Commissioned by the British Council and curated by the Arts Catalyst, Ice Lab: New …
NEWS STORY: More moss growing in Antarctica
29 August, 2013
Moss growth in Antarctica linked to climate change Increases in temperature on the Antarctic Peninsula during the latter part of the 20th century were accompanied by an acceleration in moss …
NEWS STORY: Measuring icequakes
28 August, 2013
Icequakes unlock secrets of icestreams Measuring tiny icequakes is helping British Antarctic Survey scientists investigate ice streams despite the challenging environment they have to work in. The work of Emma …
NEWS STORY: Lake Ellsworth project leader honoured
2 July, 2013
Lake Ellsworth project leader awarded international prize Professor Martin Siegert, the principal investigator on the sub-glacial Lake Ellsworth project, has been awarded the 2013 Muse Prize. The award is in …
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