24 September, 2013 News stories

Frost covered module for the new Halley VI Research Station.

Exciting closing event for Ice Lab exhibition, Gallery Two, The Lighthouse, Glasgow

Commissioned by the British Council and curated by the Arts Catalyst, Ice Lab: New Architecture and Science in Antarctica is an international touring exhibition that illustrates how innovative contemporary architecture is enabling scientists to live and work in one of the most extreme environments on our planet.

To mark the closing of the exhibition in Glasgow the Lighthouse Gallery is holding a closing event with a difference.

The Ice Lab PechaKucha will be held at the gallery from 6pm on October 2nd, 2013, and tickets are £6, £3 concession.

Organisers promise an evening of exploration, architecture and science from extreme and remote environments.

Architects, scientists, photographers, historians and designers will take you on a stunning visual journey from Mount Erebus in the Antarctic to the tiny Scottish island of Scotasay.

PechaKucha is a simple idea. It involves 12 speakers who present 20 images for 20 seconds each. It’s a format that keeps things concise and moving at a rapid pace.

The exhibition includes images of Halley VI, the latest British Antarctic Survey research station, and the PechaKucha event will feature Dr Melody Clark from BAS.

Bookings and more information

The event is sponsored by Brewdog, Scottish Craft Beer and supported by the National Lottery through Creative Scotland.

Ice Lab will next move to the Manchester Science Festival.