As part of a series of activities and initiatives to mark the 200th anniversary of the discovery of Antarctica, the Diversity in UK Polar Science initiative, conceived and funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Polar Regions Department, celebrates existing diversity, and takes an important step forward to promote and enhance Antarctic science opportunities to under-represented groups, including women, people from racial and ethnic minorities in the UK, LGBTQ+ community and people with a disability. The first stage of the project, from September 2019 to December 2021, was funded by the FCDO. Since then the initiative has continued with activities-based funding from sources including the FCDO and the Natural Environmental Research Council.
For over 100 years since its discovery, visitors to Antarctica were overwhelmingly men. It was not until the 1980s that the first British female scientists began working at the frozen continent. The ambition for this initiative is to deliver a more diverse and inclusive future for UK Polar science – a future that reflects the diversity in British society today.
To achieve this we started by delivering a two-year programme of work that enhanced understanding of current barriers, explored ways to nurture and increase diversity in Polar Science, and pilot positive action to help boost diversity and support inclusive culture in UK polar science.
Diversity in Polar Science – a starting point
To understand the current Polar Science diversity landscape we examined data from the 2017 Office of National Statistics Research Report on the percentages of minority groups in UK society and compared these with data from STEM higher education and BAS (as a proxy for UK polar science). This created a benchmark from which to measure improvement.

*BAME stands for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic, and has been an acronym used in demographic statistical analysis. The term isn’t widely accepted and used anymore, and we are looking at better ways to describe people from racial and minority ethnic backgrounds in the UK. A change in perspective in this developing conversation has led to the use of Global Ethnic Majority (GEM), which we will be looking to include in our language going forward.
Boosting diversity in Polar Science – Steering Group
A Steering Group, Co-chaired by representatives from the British Antarctic Survey, the University of Cardiff and University of Exeter, drives the initiative forward. Convened in September 2019, the committee comprises of representatives and experts from:
Delivering success – making an impact
Our delivery plan includes events and engagement activities aimed at nurturing active dialogue across the polar community in the UK and internationally.
Get involved with the Diversity in Polar Science Initiative
Our initiative needs advocates, and people who can amplify the momentum for diversity and inclusion within their own organisation. Please contact Elsa Quinn if you are a member of the UK polar science community and would like to get involved.
Contributions relating to the following are most welcome:
- Sharing successful case studies where your science organisation has addressed and improved diversity issues
- Connecting Equality Diversity and Inclusion Champions in your organisation to this initiative
- Guest presentations in our online webinars to inspire students from groups currently underrepresented in polar science
- Join the conversation in upcoming events

The Diversity in UK Polar Science Initiative aims to:
- increase representation of people from under-represented groups engaged in Polar Science in the UK to better harness the talent and reflect the diversity of UK society
- to align UK Polar Science engagement across the UK with national policy and best-practice principles set out in the FCDO Diversity and Equality Report 2018-19, the UKRI Equality, diversity and inclusion programme, and BAS commitment to equality, inclusion and diversity
- promote career opportunities in UK polar science (including support roles) and influence policy decisions at BAS, UK Universities with Polar research and UKRI-NERC to address existing, potential or perceived institutional barriers to diversity
- involve and engage experts from the wider BAS-UKRI-NERC and UK Higher Education communities to influence and establish positive cultural and behavioural change across UK Polar Science
- stimulate discussion on all forms of diversity across the UK Polar landscape
Promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in UK polar science – key objectives are to:
- quantify and analyse the current diversity data for ethnic background, disability and LGBTQ+ orientation within UK polar science
- create an engagement campaign to promote the initiative to university students, polar networks across the UK, specialist community groups; as well as to senior leaders and recruiters within the UK polar community
- help nurture an inclusive culture by developing tools and resources
- enable our project ‘champions’ and ‘ambassadors’ to engage students, colleagues and the UK polar community in becoming change-agents
To deliver our ambition we will:
- keep learning and adapting as language, understanding and best practice evolves
- nurture active dialogue across the polar community in the UK and internationally
- highlight or create resources and guidelines to help recruiters, scientists and managers to engage effectively with people from under-represented groups
- utilise media, social media and other online channels to share opportunities, news and diversity stories with under-represented groups
- bring in expertise and insight from polar science networks and special interest community groups
- share our reports and guides to stimulate action and seed ideas. See our resource page for links.

BAS Marine Biogeographer Huw Griffiths engaging with the students at a Polar Horizons event.
20 March, 2024 by Claudette Lopez
Claudette Lopez writes for Neurodiversity Celebration Week (18-22 March), a worldwide initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences, on her experience of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and …
23 February, 2024 by Livia Oldland
Our colleagues Millicent Harding and Louise Mercer from the UK Polar Network and as part of the Diversity in UK Polar Science Initiative (DiPSI) share their experience of a very …
15 November, 2023 by Pilvi Saarikoski
Polar research often conjures images of scientists operating in remote, arduous conditions at the ends of the world reminiscent of the likes of Scott, Shackleton and Amundsen during the ‘Heroic Age’ of polar exploration at the turn of the 20th century. However, 21st century polar research is so much more than this.
30 June, 2023 by Megan Monkman
Megan Monkman (she/her) is an Energy and Carbon Analyst at British Antarctic Survey working on decarbonisation and net zero projects. Here she writes about her experience in the gay community, …
23 June, 2023 by Elen Jones
Elen Jones joined British Antarctic Survey as the Director of the Antarctic Infrastructure Modernisation Programme in April 2022 after 20 years as an Electrical Engineer in the railway, aerospace and construction industries. For this year’s International Day for Women in Engineering, Elen reflects on her experiences and the importance of encouraging others to join the field of engineering.
31 March, 2023 by Dani Jones
Dr Dani Jones is an Oceanographer at the British Antarctic Survey and a Senior Member at Darwin College, University of Cambridge. They have over 15 years of experience in the …
1 March, 2023 by Pippa Whitehouse
Zero Discrimination Day highlights the right of all people to live healthy, full and productive lives with dignity and ending all forms of discrimination that impact on quality of life, …
3 December, 2022 by David Wilkins
David Wilkins is the Net Zero Engagement and Support Officer at British Antarctic Survey. He recently visited our new polar ship, RRS Sir David Attenborough. On this International Day of …
19 November, 2022 by Livia Oldland
International Men’s Day is an annual celebration taking place on Saturday 19 November around some of the issues that specifically impact men and boys. The themes of the day centre …
26 September, 2022 by Martin Siegert
Professor Martin Siegert is a glaciologist at Imperial College London and co-director of the Grantham Institute. He’s co-Chair of the Diversity in Polar Science Initiative and Chair of the UK …
15 June, 2022 by Alexander Fyans
Over the past year, our EDI interns have spent time at BAS working on a variety of fascinating polar projects. Here, we hear about how they’ve built their skills and …
8 June, 2022 by Pilvi Saarikoski
Over the past year, our Equality Diversity and Inclusion interns have spent time at BAS working on a variety of fascinating polar projects. Here, we hear about how they’ve built …
31 May, 2022 by Pilvi Saarikoski
You may have heard acronyms such as EDI, DEI, EDIA, JEDI, and wondered what they mean. They refer to issues including equity, equality, diversity, inclusion and accessibility, concepts that take on different meanings depending on the cultural and historical context they exist in. Historically, and still today, we know that some people are systemically disadvantaged and marginalised in society, so whatever the acronym, inclusion work should generally try to dismantle and help unlearn prevailing unjust structural and cultural settings.
1 March, 2022 by Alexander Fyans
Simon Garrod, Director of BAS Operations and Engineering, reflects on Zero Discrimination Day and on the changes regarding inclusion and discrimination that have occurred since he started working in the polar environment nearly thirty years ago.
3 December, 2021 by Pilvi Saarikoski
Today, 3 December 2021, is the United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD). The theme this year focuses on “Leadership and participation of persons with disabilities toward an …
5 October, 2021 by Huw Griffiths
Black History Month recognises and celebrates the achievements of people with African or Caribbean heritage and takes place every October (in the UK). It marks the contributions of Black people …
23 June, 2021 by Jon Ager
Jon Ager joined British Antarctic Survey as Director of the UK Antarctic Infrastructure Modernisation Programme in 2019, after serving for almost 35 years in the Royal Air Force and aerospace …
31 March, 2021 by Martin Siegert
Professor Martin Siegert from Imperial College London has just become one of the three new co-chairs of the Diversity in UK Polar Science Initiative Steering committee. In this guest blog, …
9 February, 2021 by Amelie Kirchgaessner
British Antarctic Survey scientist Dr Amelié Kirchgaessner shares her journey in polar science for International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021 (11 Feb). My name is Amelié Kirchgaessner, …
22 October, 2020 by Kaitlin Naughten
Blog: Ocean modeller Dr Kaitlin Naughten discusses what we can do as individuals and as institutions to support our colleagues who stammer.
15 October, 2020 by Sharon Grant
To celebrate Black History Month Sharon Grant describes her time working for British Antarctic Suirvey in this guest blog.
3 September, 2020 by Beatrix Schlarb-Ridley
BLOG. Director of Innovation and Impact aims to enhance innovation culture through diversity and inclusion.
3 August, 2020 by David Vaughan
BLOG. BAS Director of Science, Professor David Vaughan describes his ambition for more diversity in science.
14 July, 2020 by Jane Rumble
BLOG. Jane Rumble, Head of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office Polar Regions Department talks about a new initiative to enhance diversity in UK Polar Science
22 June, 2020 by Huw Griffiths
BAS marine biogeographer Dr Huw Griffiths talks about the importance of diverse role models. He is hopeful that existing and future polar scientists will see that being yourself and being different are no barrier to working in the most extreme environments on Earth, and can be a real asset as a scientist.
5 July, 2019 by Huw Griffiths
BLOG. Biologist Huw Griffiths shares his personal experience of research as a member of the LGBTQ+ community.
11 December, 2023
A special issue of the journal Oceanography has shone a spotlight on the collaborative FindAScienceBerth project, inspiring people and institutions to make positive change towards increasing diversity. The FindAScienceBerth project is …
17 November, 2023
This November British Antarctic Survey joins with the polar community to celebrate the contribution of LGBTQIA+ people in polar research and operations to mark Polar Pride Day and LGBTQIA STEM …
27 June, 2023
British Antarctic Survey (BAS) has achieved an Athena Swan Silver Award in recognition of efforts to advance the careers of women and underrepresented groups at the polar research institute in …
23 June, 2023
A recent study published in the journal Earth Science, Systems and Society sheds light on the experiences and viewpoints of staff working for British Antarctic Survey (BAS) from minority backgrounds. …
10 December, 2021
Applications for PhD projects with British Antarctic Survey (BAS) are now open for October 2022 admission. BAS currently supports over 100 PhD students, working on a huge variety of projects. …
18 November, 2021
Today (18 November) British Antarctic Survey (BAS) joins global celebrations to mark LGBTQ+ STEM DAY and Polar Pride Day. Polar Pride is a celebration of the contribution of LGBTQ+ people …
22 October, 2021
A report outlining the importance of Intentionally Inclusive Spaces in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) through a case study of the Polar Horizons 2021 programme is published this month …
13 August, 2021
Outcomes of the first phase of the Diversity in UK Polar Science Initiative (DiPSI) are promoted this month
8 March, 2021
On International Women’s Day (8 March 2021), we mark and celebrate women working at British Antarctic Survey (BAS). We showcase the diversity of roles and specialities of those working in …
5 March, 2021
This week over 100 early career researchers and students from underrepresented groups, particularly BAME, LGBTQ+ and the Disabled, took part in Polar Horizons 2021. The Polar Horizons Initiative, funded by …
4 March, 2021
Findings from a polar science Race Impact Survey are reported this week (4 March) by the Diversity in Polar Science Initiative (DiPSI). The Survey, carried out during October 2020, generated …
11 February, 2021
Today is International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11 February), a celebration of women and girls in science led by UNESCO and UN-Women. “International Day of Women and …
18 November, 2020
Today (18 November) marks the first Polar Pride – a celebration of the contribution of LGBTQ+ people in the overseas territories including British Antarctic Territory and South Georgia & the …
4 August, 2020
New blogs, refreshed web content and a social media campaign aim to highlight a two-year programme of work aimed at boosting diversity in UK polar science.
27 July, 2020
The Government of the British Antarctic Territory (BAT) and the Government of South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands (SGSSI) celebrate the contribution of LGBTQ+ people by declaring 18 November …
10 June, 2020
British Antarctic Survey supports and endorses the UKRI statement on Black Lives Matter. We embrace and recognise the importance of taking a stand against racism and strive for diversity and equality of opportunity, and are committed to building inclusive and diverse teams that represent all backgrounds.