Ice Cool Cyber-School
For primary: Join our live, interactive, curriculum focussed sessions to learn more about life and science in the Polar Regions
Engaging young people in science is important to British Antarctic Survey. Our award-winning educational resources for teachers and students are curriculum-relevant and developed in partnership with the Royal Geographical Society and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Polar Regions Department. Our scientists and support staff visit schools within a 50-mile radius of Cambridge, and get involved in online schools talks about polar science and living and working in the world’s last great wilderness.
Take a look at our new Cyber-school sessions too! … join us live for the next sessions
For primary: Join our live, interactive, curriculum focussed sessions to learn more about life and science in the Polar Regions
For secondary: Award-winning online, curriculum based, education resources
For secondary: interactive online, curriculum based, education resources
Discover the creatures that live in the coldest place on Earth
Uncover the secrets of the largest and most pristine wilderness on Earth
Inspiring young people in polar engineering for science.
For more information about booking a school talk or about any of our education resources please email: headland@bas.ac.uk