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Contributions to the development of the next-generation NERC Environmental Data Service: Building Interoperability – a NERC Data Commons RoadMap
1 November, 2024 by Alexander Tate, Alice Fremand, Helen Peat, James Byrne, Petra Ten Hoopen
This is a final report from the work undertaken by the NERC Environmental Data Service (EDS) funded by the UKRI Digital Research Programme grant: EDS UKRI DRI Phase 1b. The…BIOPOLE cookbook: parameters and analysis V7. October 2024
1 October, 2024 by Clara Manno, Kate Hendry
The aim of this document is to detail the key determinands, sampling preparation, methodology, and analyses required for the NERC program BIOPOLE, with the overall objective of maintaining consistency in…Read more on BIOPOLE cookbook: parameters and analysis V7. October 2024
SiCLING Ny-Ålesund Fieldwork Report. 15th – 29th July 2024
23 August, 2024 by Kate Hendry
The polar regions are experiencing the most rapid climate change observed on Earth. Marine ecosystems are already responding to – and amplifying – environmental change, with important implications for carbon…Read more on SiCLING Ny-Ålesund Fieldwork Report. 15th – 29th July 2024
White Paper: Addressing the challenges of global warming for polar freshwater resources
31 May, 2024 by Peter Convey
The polar regions are undergoing rapid transformations due to global warming, resulting in temperature increases far surpassing the global average and significantly impacting ecosystems, especially freshwater systems. Understanding the implications…Read more on White Paper: Addressing the challenges of global warming for polar freshwater resources
UAV data management handbook
1 November, 2023 by Alice Fremand
This document gives relevant information related to the management of remotely piloted or uncrewed airborne vehicles (commonly referenced as UAV in this document) data collected as part of NERC funded…Towards a data commons: Imagery and derived data from autonomous and remotely piloted aerial vehicles
1 November, 2023 by Alice Fremand
Scienists are increasingly using autonomous and remotely piloted aerial vehicles (commonly referenced here as UAVs) to collect large volume of data in a range of different scienific domains. These data…Marine Ecosystem Assessment for the Southern Ocean: Summary for Policymakers
18 October, 2023 by Eugene Murphy, Huw Griffiths, Nadine Johnston, Rachel Cavanagh, Simon Morley, Susie Grant
i. The Antarctic Treaty System (beginning in 1959 with the Antarctic Treaty) and its emphasis on conservation and protection, exemplified in the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living…Read more on Marine Ecosystem Assessment for the Southern Ocean: Summary for Policymakers
Improving future climate prediction using palaeoclimate data: A community White Paper for consideration by the Natural Environment Research Council, UK
2 June, 2023 by Eric Wolff
This White Paper represents an outcome of “The Leverhulme Climate Symposium 2008 - Earth’s Climate: Past, Present and Future”, convened by H. Elderfield, M. Bickle, G. Allen and E. Shuckburgh,…Credit Where Credit is Due: Authorship of Open Ocean Data Workshop Report
9 March, 2023 by Katrin Linse
Schmidt Ocean Institute, in partnership with The Ditchley Foundation, hosted Credit where credit is due: Authorship of open ocean data at Ditchley Park, in Chipping Norton, UK, on October 6-7,…Read more on Credit Where Credit is Due: Authorship of Open Ocean Data Workshop Report
Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment: A Decadal Synopsis and Recommendations for Action
1 May, 2022 by Peter Convey, Susie Grant
This report provides concise compiled synopses of current understanding, explicit recommendations for actions to address change, and recommendations for additional research. In most cases, the research recommendations are drawn from…The future of UK Antarctic science: Strategic priorities, essential needs and opportunities for international leadership
1 October, 2021 by Anna Jones, Kevin Hughes, Michael Meredith, Mervyn Freeman, Nadine Johnston, Peter Convey
• The Antarctic region has been experiencing rapid change in recent decades due to human induced factors. Most notably, climate heating is causing ice sheet melting, leading to sea level…Preliminary report on climate risk in the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough region, 2020-2099
13 July, 2021 by Charles Simpson
Commissioned by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Independent Commission on Climate, this report provides a high-level risk assessment of changes the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough region may experience due to climate change…Evaluating change in the krill-based food web and developing solutions for the future sampling of krill
21 May, 2021 by Frances Perry, Simeon Hill
The SCAR Krill Action Group (SKAG) provides a conduit for science to feed into the management of the Antarctic krill fishery, as well a more general forum to promote collaboration,…Spatial finance: Challenges and opportunities in a changing world
1 December, 2020 by Scott Hosking
If financial markets are to realign towards truly sustainable development the financial sector needs to differentiate commercial actors more accurately on their climate and environmental performance. A potential breakthrough to…Read more on Spatial finance: Challenges and opportunities in a changing world
RABID: Basal conditions on Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica: Hot-water drilling and downhole instrumentation. British Antarctic Survey Field Report, R/2004/S3 [BAS Archives Ref: AD6/2R/2004/S3]
7 August, 2020 by Andy Smith
The main fieldwork for project AFI 1-05 (the RABID project) was carried out on Rutford Ice Stream in the 2004/05 field season. The biggest scientific task was to access the…The Arctic and the UK: Climate, research and engagement
1 June, 2020 by David Barnes, Geraint Tarling, Henry Burgess, Michael Meredith
• The Arctic has warmed by around 2°C since 1850, approximately double the global average. Even if the Paris Agreement successfully limits global warming to a further 0.5°C, the Arctic…Read more on The Arctic and the UK: Climate, research and engagement
Antarctic geothermal heat flow: future research directions
12 May, 2020 by Alex Burton-Johnson, Carlos Martin Garcia, Fausto Ferraccioli
Antarctic geothermal heat flow (GHF) affects the ice sheet temperature, determining how it slides and internally deforms, as well as the rheological behaviour of the lithosphere. However, GHF remains poorly…Read more on Antarctic geothermal heat flow: future research directions
Progress Report on the intersessional working group Multi-ocean assessment of southern right whale demographic parameters and links to environmental correlates, June 2019 to May 2020
1 May, 2020 by Jennifer Jackson
The International Whaling Commission Scientific Committee (IWC SC) Southern Hemisphere (SH) subcommittee intersessional working group (WG) was established during SC68A and aimed to: seek funding to enable the project to…Climate change and salinity of the coastal and marine environment around the UK.
15 January, 2020 by Jacob Opher
What is already happening • Salinity of eastern North Atlantic waters west of the UK has dramatically decreased over the last five years, probably in response to changes in the…Read more on Climate change and salinity of the coastal and marine environment around the UK.
Impacts of climate change on Arctic sea ice.
15 January, 2020 by Jeremy Wilkinson
Satellite measurements continue to reveal reductions in the extent and thickness of Arctic sea ice. Research suggests that at least half of the observed decline of ice extent can be…Report from the Expert Panel (EP) on the evaluation of the ARK VRZ commitment during the 2019/20 fishing season
1 January, 2020 by Simeon Hill
This is an update on the operation of and compliance with the ARK commitment during its second year of operation. The evaluation was completed by an expanded EP compared to…The EU-PolarNet White Papers
1 January, 2019 by David Vaughan
Report from the Expert Panel on the evaluation of the VRZs during the 2018/19 fishing season
1 January, 2019 by Simeon Hill
In July 2018 ARK (the Association of Responsible Krill harvesting companies) launched a set of voluntary measures, known as ARK’s Commitment, which were proposed to improve the long-term sustainability of…The state of the polar oceans 2018: making sense of our changing world
1 July, 2018 by Andrew Meijers, Eugene Murphy, Geraint Tarling, Jamie Oliver, Jeremy Wilkinson, John Turner, Layla Batchellier, Linda Capper, Mark Belchier, Michael Meredith, Paul Holland, Philip Trathan, Simeon Hill
The vast frozen worlds of the Polar Regions are a major component of the Earth’s global climate system. The polar oceans are amongst the least understood environments on our planet.…Read more on The state of the polar oceans 2018: making sense of our changing world
Providing the ARCHER community with adjoint modelling tools for high-performance oceanographic and cryospheric computation
11 October, 2016 by Dani Jones, Sudipta Goswami
The MITgcm (MIT General Circulation Model) is a numerical model designed for study of the atmosphere, ocean, and climate (Marshall et al. 1997a,b). Its non-hydrostatic formulation enables it to simulate…JR274 physical oceanographic analyses
10 November, 2014 by Sally Thorpe
This report gives a physical oceanographic context to the sampling carried out during RRS James Clark Ross cruise JR274, 09 Jan—12 Feb 2013, part of the UK Sea Surface Consortium…Bridging the Krill Divide: Understanding Cross-Sector Objectives for Krill Fishing and Conservation
1 October, 2014 by Cheryl Knowland, Rachel Cavanagh, Simeon Hill, Susie Grant
In June 2014, the ICED programme, the British Antarctic Survey and WWF co-hosted a two day workshop entitled “Understanding the objectives for krill fishing and conservation in the Scotia Sea…Addendum to the Geological Society’s “Statement on Climate Change: Evidence from the Geological Record”
1 December, 2013 by Eric Wolff, Jane Francis, Robert Larter
The Geological Society published a Statement on 'Climate Change: Evidence from the Geological Record' in November 2010. In light of further research that has been published since then, the Geological…Reliability Case Notes No. 7. Risk assessment of the hot-water drilling system for accessing subglacial Lake Ellsworth
1 December, 2012 by Andrew Tait, Keith Makinson
The exploration of Subglacial Lake Ellsworth is a high profile project funded by the Natural Environment Research Council. Clean access to the lake will be provided by a hot-water drilling…A compilation of parameters for a krill-fishery predator model of the Scotia Sea and Antarctic Peninsula (working paper version)
2 April, 2012 by Sally Thorpe, Simeon Hill
We describe the compilation and derivation of parameters for use in krill-fishery-predator models of the Scotia Sea – Antarctic Peninsula region. The primary aim is to provide input for the…Reference observations for validating and tuning operating models for krill fishery management in Area 48
2 April, 2012 by Simeon Hill
In 2007 WG-SAM defined a set of reference observations for validating and tuning proposed models to evaluate krill catch allocation options for Area 48 (the SAM calendar). The observations, which…The Southern Ocean Observing System: Initial science and implementation strategy
1 January, 2012 by Michael Meredith
Executive Summary The Southern Ocean provides the principal connection between the Earth’s ocean basins and between the upper and lower layers of the global ocean circulation. As a result, the…Read more on The Southern Ocean Observing System: Initial science and implementation strategy
Climate science, the public and the news media. Summary findings of a survey and focus groups conducted in the UK in March 2011
1 January, 2012 by Emily Shuckburgh
This report examines public attitudes to climate science and its representation in the news media. It details the results of a survey of the UK population conducted in March 2011,…Cruise Report RRS James Clark Ross JR252 & JR254C, 19 March – 6 April 2011
23 May, 2011 by Povl Abrahamsen
This cruise report describes the combined JR252 and JR254C cruise on RRS James Clark Ross, departing Port Stanley on March 19th and arriving in Punta Arenas on April 6th. JR252…Read more on Cruise Report RRS James Clark Ross JR252 & JR254C, 19 March – 6 April 2011
Geolocator manual v8
1 March, 2010
This manual is divided into three sections in addition to the introduction. The first discusses how to use BAS archival geolocators. The second describes post processing using BAS software. The…RRS James Clark Ross Cruise 139, 05 Dec-12 Dec 2005. Drake Passage Repeat Hydrography: WOCE Southern Repeat Section 1b – Burdwood Bank to Elephant Island
1 January, 2008 by Michael Meredith
This report describes the eleventh occupation of the Drake Passage section, established during the World Ocean Circulation Experiment as repeat section SR1b. It was first occupied by Southampton Oceanography Centre…Field operations manual: a comprehensive guide to operating in the field
1 January, 2003
Please note that this manual is currently under review, and a revised version is in progress to be released in the future.Read more on Field operations manual: a comprehensive guide to operating in the field
ANDCHRON : Andean geochronology and metallogenesis. Final report for the Overseas Development Administration Research and Development Project on the application of geochronology, isotope geology and fluid inclusion studies to understanding the geological evolution of the Southern Andes and the setting and formation of metallic ore deposits therein
1 January, 1986
A multidisciplinary project was carried out in an attempt to improve understanding of the evolution and inter-relationship of magmatism and metalliferous mineralization in the central and southern Andes. This has…