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Improving future climate prediction using palaeoclimate data: A community White Paper for consideration by the Natural Environment Research Council, UK

2 June, 2023 by Eric Wolff

This White Paper represents an outcome of “The Leverhulme Climate Symposium 2008 - Earth’s Climate: Past, Present and Future”, convened by H. Elderfield, M. Bickle, G. Allen and E. Shuckburgh,…

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The future of UK Antarctic science: Strategic priorities, essential needs and opportunities for international leadership

1 October, 2021 by Anna Jones, Kevin Hughes, Michael Meredith, Mervyn Freeman, Nadine Johnston, Peter Convey

• The Antarctic region has been experiencing rapid change in recent decades due to human induced factors. Most notably, climate heating is causing ice sheet melting, leading to sea level…

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The state of the polar oceans 2018: making sense of our changing world

1 July, 2018 by Andrew Meijers, Eugene Murphy, Geraint Tarling, Jamie Oliver, Jeremy Wilkinson, John Turner, Layla Batchellier, Linda Capper, Mark Belchier, Michael Meredith, Paul Holland, Philip Trathan, Simeon Hill

The vast frozen worlds of the Polar Regions are a major component of the Earth’s global climate system. The polar oceans are amongst the least understood environments on our planet.…

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Providing the ARCHER community with adjoint modelling tools for high-performance oceanographic and cryospheric computation

11 October, 2016 by Dani Jones, Sudipta Goswami

The MITgcm (MIT General Circulation Model) is a numerical model designed for study of the atmosphere, ocean, and climate (Marshall et al. 1997a,b). Its non-hydrostatic formulation enables it to simulate…

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A compilation of parameters for a krill-fishery predator model of the Scotia Sea and Antarctic Peninsula (working paper version)

2 April, 2012 by Sally Thorpe, Simeon Hill

We describe the compilation and derivation of parameters for use in krill-fishery-predator models of the Scotia Sea – Antarctic Peninsula region. The primary aim is to provide input for the…

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RRS James Clark Ross Cruise 139, 05 Dec-12 Dec 2005. Drake Passage Repeat Hydrography: WOCE Southern Repeat Section 1b – Burdwood Bank to Elephant Island

1 January, 2008 by Michael Meredith

This report describes the eleventh occupation of the Drake Passage section, established during the World Ocean Circulation Experiment as repeat section SR1b. It was first occupied by Southampton Oceanography Centre…

Read more on RRS James Clark Ross Cruise 139, 05 Dec-12 Dec 2005. Drake Passage Repeat Hydrography: WOCE Southern Repeat Section 1b – Burdwood Bank to Elephant Island