Alex, database manager

Alex completed a Masters degree in structural geology at the University of Colorado prior to joining BAS in November 2001 as a Higher Scientific Officer to examine sea surface temperature using remote sensing imagery.

Word of mouth

“Like a lot of people, I found out about BAS through friends and contacts. I had friends who had worked at BAS and others who were doing PhDs in association with BAS. So I got familiar with the organisation through talking to them and looking on the website.

I initially started on a short-term contract within Biosciences — I thought this would give me a chance to gain experience whilst I was still looking for a long-term job. I’ve been here for 18 months and I’m now in charge of the geological database”.

Database management

“The database holds records from the last 50 years of geological surveying of the Antarctic Peninsula and surrounding islands. My job involves maintaining the database and developing new ways of accessing the data. Finding answers to questions and allowing geologists to get more from their data is a very worthwhile part of my job”.

Do it

“There are very few geological jobs at BAS that aren’t interesting, mainly due to the remoteness of our study area and its importance to global science. There’s also a nice working environment here and the flexible working hours are good for me. Because of the location just outside Cambridge, it’s easy for me to go running or cycling at lunchtime.

The best recommendation I can give is that after my six-month short-term contract, I was determined to try and gain a permanent position here”.