Preliminary Environmental Assessment


Completion of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a requirement of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (1991) and the provisions of the Antarctic Act (1994, 2013) and accompanying Antarctic Regulations 1995/490. The minimum level of EIA, which all project leads must complete, is a Preliminary Environmental Assessment (PEA).
Also under the Antarctic Act (1994, 2013) the following Specialist Activities are prohibited without a permit issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office or under delegated authority by BAS:

  • Mineral resource activities for the purpose of scientific research
  • The taking of, or harmful interference with, fauna or flora
  • The intentional introduction of non-native species
  • Entry into an Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA)
  • Temporarily removing objects from an Antarctic Historic Site and Monument (HSM) for conservation or repair

How to apply for a PEA and Specialist Activity Permits?

Please download the ‘PEA and Specialist Activity Permit Application‘ form and submit it electronically by 31st May each year to BAS Environment Office and

BAS Environment Office staff will review your PEA and work with you to identify any environmental impacts and agree mitigation measures that will allow the activity to proceed with minimal impact on the environment. The PEA form will also help identify if the project is undertaking any activities that require a Specialist Activity Permit and the Environment Office will discuss requirements and coordinate the issue of permits as appropriate.

If your project is to be undertaken in South Georgia please go to the Permits page for further guidance.

How to complete a Post-Season Environmental Review?

All Antarctic projects which have been reviewed and assessed via a PEA must also undergo a retrospective review of their activities upon completion of the project. This must be submitted to the BAS Environment Office (as above) in the form of a EIA Post-Season Questionnaire upon completion of the project or by the 30th of April (whichever is soonest).

Guidance Documents

The following documents provide guidance for minimising impacts in the field.