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Antarctic fieldwork requirements checklist

Actions and associated deadlines in preparation for working in the Antarctic 

Principal Investigators are responsible for ensuring that the following actions are undertaken, to the stated deadlines, in preparation for fieldwork.

This information, along with the relevant forms, can be found and downloaded from the Antarctic Proposals and Fieldwork Planning website: https://www.bas.ac.uk/for-staff/polar-predeployment-prep/intro-guidelines-and-forms/


Antarctic OSPQ POST Award project deadlines:

Complete Post-Award OSPQ 31 March Upon completion of the OSPQ you should read through the briefing documents ‘Useful information for scientists undertaking fieldwork’, these will be updated in time for the OSPQ deadline.
Preliminary Environmental Assessment (PEA) form for Antarctic projects (please append the BAS Chemical Approvals Register form if applicable – see below) 31 May The PEA can be accessed at:


Complete the BAS Chemical Approvals Register (CAR) form (if applicable) and associated COSHH 31 May Further information can be found at: https://www.bas.ac.uk/for-staff/polar-predeployment-prep/intro-guidelines-and-forms/health-safety-guidlines-and-forms/

This can be appended to the PEA form.

Discuss arrangement for importing biological samples into the UK (if applicable) 31 May Further information can be found at: https://www.bas.ac.uk/for-staff/polar-predeployment-prep/intro-guidelines-and-forms/importing-biological-samples-into-the-uk/ or contact Dr Elaine Fitzcharles
Completion of activity specific project risk assessment 31 May Activities which are not supported by (generic) BAS procedures, plans or risk assessments (listed in OSPQ) require specific project risk assessments, using the current BAS risk assessment format. For more complex activities, it might be appropriate to also include detailed method statements or safe systems of work.

Please send completed Risk Assessments to Amy Stone to begin the review process.

Completion of BAS Project H&S Plan 31 May PI to complete the BAS Project H&S form, and all team members must complete sign off sheet within the form.

Send to H&S for sign off and a copy to Amy Stone.

Regulated Activity Permit (RAP) for South Georgia Projects 30 June ​The RAP for South Georgia projects can be accessed at:


Arrange Kitting Out with BAS Clothing Team  01 July Clothing forms can be obtained from:


Note: External participants should send their clothing forms initially through the Polar Operations Support Team with the rest of their paperwork (see key planning contacts table) and then subsequently arrange a clothing appointment.

Transiting Kitbags to Antarctica:

Please note that it is the PI’s responsibility to ensure that all collaborators and project staff collect their kitbags from BAS or arrange appropriate measures to get the kitbag to collaborators.

Return Science Summary to BAS contact for Science Summary Booklet  01 July What are we doing?

BAS produces a science summary booklet each season giving an overview of the BAS-supported Antarctic science projects. The purpose of the booklet is to showcase the range of science underway each field season and as general interest for all personnel involved in the field season.


Information given in this form will be used in the science summary booklets. Printed copies of the booklets will be distributed to a range of audiences including the BAS Stations & Ships, internally at BAS Cambridge, to stakeholders like Government departments. It will also be available electronically through the BAS internal website. The printed booklet will contain local interest information, such as when people are on Station, this information will not be made available on the website.

What’s in it for you?

BAS Communications team will use the project summaries throughout the season and to explain what BAS does. booklets provide an interesting and useful source of information for scientists and support staff heading south each season.

What info do we need?

  • Science rationale of project
  • What are you doing?
  • Impact/expected outcome of Project -Why is this important?
  • Link to project web site/social media links
  • Captioning and credits for images/photos

Who Do I send this to by the 1st July?

  • Deep Field Projects – Rothera Science Cordinator
  • Halley based Projects – Luke Glazzard
  • Islands & Ship Based Projects – Dr Elaine Fitzcharles
  • Rothera Marine/Local Terrestrial – TBC
Discuss shipment of Cargo to and from Antarctica​ 01 July Further information can be found at: https://www.bas.ac.uk/for-staff/polar-predeployment-prep/intro-guidelines-and-forms/cargo/

Please note that a cargo packing form must be completed for each item of cargo and submitted electronically to BAS shipping prior to your arrival of cargo.

For shipment of hazardous goods there is a separate cargo packing form. Hazardous material must be contained in the manufacturer’s packaging and accompanied by a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and list a Chemical Approvals Register number. Cargo packing forms can be downloaded from the link above.​

You must ensure any specific cargo handling requirements are specified by this point with Supply Chain Logistics, in  particular:

  • Cool stow
  • Cool Stowtropics only (if on BAS vessel)
  • Frozen stow
  • Do not freeze
  • Special stow/Fragile
  • Wanted on voyage
  • Wanted for immediate discharge at destination
External Participants to Complete summer visitor forms

(BAS staff to complete Medical and Clothing forms)

8-10 weeks prior to Polar deployment Further information can be found at:



Attend Antarctic Pre-Deployment Training September If you are required to attend BAS pre-deployment Training you will receive an invitation from the Polar Operations Support Team – Please contact the POST Team if you have any questions.

Planned Dates for Pre-Deployment Training and First Aid training are September. You will be contacted if you are required to attend this training.

See: https://www.bas.ac.uk/polar-operations/antarctic-pre-deployment-training/