Your accommodation in the Falklands

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If you are joining a ship in the Falkland Islands you will normally be taken directly from the airport to the ship where you will be accommodated; if the ship is not due to sail immediately there may be an opportunity to visit Stanley.

Those who are travelling onwards by air will normally be accommodated in bed & breakfasts with meals being provided in a central location. Whilst the aim is for you to travel onwards within 24 hours you may spend several days in the Falklands awaiting a weather window before flying to Rothera.

Whilst waiting, people often enjoy taking a trip out to Gypsy Cove to see the magellanic penguins in their burrows and gentoo penguins on the beach. Others decide to take in some of the local walks over Mount Tumbledown, the Three Sisters, Mount Harriet and battle sites made famous by the Falklands War.

In Stanley itself, there are a number of pubs and shops to help pass the time as well as a museum, which is well worth a visit. It depicts life in the Islands, information about the War and also has an old Antarctic station, Reclus Hut, which had been relocated to the Falklands as an exhibit.

From Stanley, you have the following options, depending on where you would like to go:

Travel to Rothera: Fly | Sail

Travel to Halley: Fly (via Rothera) | Sail (via Bird Island, King Edward Point and Signy)