The springtime Antarctic ozone depletion

The dynamics, radiation, and chemistry of the atmosphere are outlined in an attempt to explain the processes behind springtime Antarctic ozone depletion. Recent observations made by Gardiner and Shanklin (1986) of the ozone abundance above Halley, Antarctica, a British base situated at 75 deg S, are presented. A graph is presented which shows the variation of October mean total ozone amounts from 1957 to 1984 and tropospheric concentrations of freons CFC 11 and CFC 12. As the CFC concentrations in the atmosphere started to increase in the early 1970s, the Halley ozone amounts decreased from their earlier values of 320 Dobson units. A drastic reduction in the production and use of CFCs is recommended by the author as well as the banning of nonessential uses.


Publication status:
Authors: Rycroft, M.J.

1 January, 1988
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society / 29