The distribution of the Euchaetidae (Copepoda: Calanoida) around South Georgia

Fourteen species of the genus Euchaeta (Copepoda: Calanoida) were encountered during two cruises undertaken around South Georgia during November–December 1981 (Summer) and July–August 1983 (Winter). All 14 species were present in summer but only nine in winter. The distribution of the majority of species centered on the mesopelagic (500–1000 m) and bathypelagic (1000–2000 m) depth horizons. During both cruises, four species, Euchaeta Antarctica, E. biloba, E. rasa and E. farrani were numerically dominant. Although all four species had a wide depth distribution, E. Antarctica and E. biloba had distributions centered around the 250–500 m (epi-mesopelagic) and mesopelagic depth horizons. E. rasa was most abundant in the mesopelagic whereas E. farrani, the largest species encountered, was centered on the mesopelagic and bathypelagic depth horizons. Two species, E. Antarctica and E. biloba commonly occurred in the surface 250 m, the former being far more abundant especially over the shelf and shelf break areas, with a high abundance of copepodite stages IV and V being present in summer and adults in winter.


Publication status:
Authors: Ward, Peter, Wood, Andrew G.

On this site: Andrew Wood, Peter Ward
1 October, 1988
Polar Biology / 9
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