The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) is a world class research organisation based in Cambridge UK predominantly operating in the Antarctic and the Arctic. The polar regions present many health and safety risks not normally encountered in the everyday workplace. For this reason the key to our continued safe operation is our highly experienced and skilled staff. BAS places the highest priority on the health and safety of our staff, and as a result, top management are dedicated to strong and active health and safety leadership.
BAS are committed to:
- Maintaining a pragmatic, positive and open culture where health and safety is recognised by all staff to be a fundamental element in all we do.
- Complying with, and where possible exceeding, all our legal obligations for health and safety, both in the UK and overseas.
- Continuously improving our health and safety performance.
- Maintaining our certification to:
- ISO 45001:2018,
- the International Business Aviation Council’s IS-BAO safety management standard and
- fulfilling the legal requirements of the International Maritime Organisation’s ISM code
The legal entity of BAS is UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) of which the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) is part of UKRI. BAS also operates to the UKRI Health and Safety Policy and codes.
To achieve our commitments BAS will:
- Maintain a health and safety management system which sets demanding health and safety objectives and targets. This includes assigning clear health and safety management responsibilities.
- Identify the hazards and assess the risks created by our activities, and so far as is reasonably practicable eliminate, control or mitigate against those risks.
- Appoint competent people to provide specialist health and safety advice to line managers and staff.
- Provide our staff with the information and training necessary for them to carry out their jobs safely.
- Consult our staff, collaborators and union appointed safety representatives on health and safety matters.
- Manage the health and safety of all contractors and visitors (including visiting scientists and students) to our sites and ships.
- Adopt a twenty-four hour, seven day a week, duty of care for our staff and others working on our stations, ships and in the field in Antarctica.
- Review our health and safety performance at regular intervals to provide assurance and drive continuous improvement in performance.
Prof. Jane Francis, Director
Date: 12th October 2022
Head of Governance, Risk and Assurance
Health and Safety Adviser
6 April, 2020
British Antarctic Survey (BAS) has precautionary measures to limit the spread of COVID-19. Our organisation continues to function well in spite of most of our staff working from home. Science and support teams who have completed summer fieldwork are currently being repatriated to UK.
30 April, 2015
NERC Advanced Training Short Course A Skills Framework for Delivering Safe and Effective Fieldwork in the Polar Regions Course date: 26 August – 8 September 2015 Deadline for applications: 4pm, …