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CASS – Requirements and Costs

Proposal Requirements – Collaborative Antarctic Science Scheme (CASS)

It is intended that proposals to CASS will:

  • Propose research that could only be conducted in Antarctica or at a sub-antarctic BAS-operated research station, rather than in a more accessible location.
  • Be relevant to NERC’s science remit.
  • Work collaboratively by joining a specified Antarctic activity funded by NERC, and working within the logistic framework agreed for that activity. This ensures that minimal additional logistic commitment is required to support the CASS project.
  • Lead to findings that will be disseminated in the peer-reviewed literature.

Meeting the training and development needs of UK scientists at an early stage of their careers is an important part of NERC’s responsibilities. CASS proposals which incorporate such opportunities for early-career scientists are welcomed.


To support the CASS, NERC provides funding to meet the costs of travel from the UK to Antarctica, and of the polar clothing supplied by BAS, together with pre-deployment training and medical assessment expenses (excluding dental examinations) for fieldwork personnel. Not included is reimbursement of travel and subsistence costs incurred within the UK, such as for travel to an airport, or travel and accommodation to attend prescribed pre-deployment training. Applicants’ institutions are expected to meet those expenses.

BAS will provide access to UK Antarctic facilities and logistic infrastructure without charge, with the exception of King Edward Point where additional costs apply. Proposals to CASS will be declined if the additional logistics requirement would jeopardise other NERC-funded programmes, or agreed international collaborations, or if the scale of the request suggests that support through one of NERC’s other funding lines would be more appropriate.

In the event that more CASS applications are received than can be accommodated in one fieldwork season, either logistically or financially, decisions on support priority may need to be made. In some cases, it may be possible to offer applicants fieldwork support in a subsequent season.