Science-Policy Challenges in Polar Conservation and Management

Science-Policy Challenges in Polar Conservation and Management

Start date
1 January, 2018

The British Antarctic Survey and the Cambridge Conservation Initiative (CCI) are convening a series of half day workshops focused on the science-policy interaction within highly topical conservation and management issues. Each of the topics are issues faced in the Polar Regions but they are also of global relevance and all reach beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries. By drawing on the Cambridge academic and conservation communities, we aim to provide a forum for gathering and sharing expertise on these key issues. While region-specific approaches are always necessary, exchanging knowledge towards generic (but adaptable) best practice guidelines would be of great benefit. Our longer-term goals are to diversify the science that informs management and policy, and to enhance the mechanisms by which this occurs.


  • To provide a forum for discussion of key topics across experts working within the Cambridge academic and conservation communities, in different but relevant geographical regions and disciplines, and to involve relevant decision-makers from the outset;
  • To facilitate the continuation of discussions/communications on a regular basis (which may include smaller focus groups as appropriate);
  • To identify potential areas of collaboration and future work, including ideas for joint funding proposals.

Organising Committee

Rachel Cavanagh (BAS)

Susie Grant (BAS)

Julia Grosse (Cambridge Conservation Initiative)