Integrating climate science into ecosystem-based management

- This event has passed.
The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) and Cambridge Conservation Initiative (CCI) are convening a series of workshops in 2017-18 on Science-Policy Challenges in Polar Conservation and Management.
Each of the workshops will focus on topical issues faced in the Polar Regions that are also of global relevance, and that reach beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries. The first in the series is “Integrating climate science into ecosystem-based management” (Thursday 9th November 2017, 2pm – 4.30pm). An expert panel will discuss how current knowledge can be best utilised to provide information for policy decision-makers about the effects of climate change on species and ecosystems in the polar regions and beyond.
Panel members will include:
- Ms Jane Rumble (Polar Regions Dept, FCO) (panel chair)
- Mr Henry Burgess (NERC Arctic Office)
- Dr Gemma Harper (Defra)
- Dr Val Kapos (UNEP-WCMC)
- Professor John Turner (British Antarctic Survey)
The workshop will include opportunities for discussion and networking, with the aim of linking experts within the Cambridge academic and conservation communities, and identifying potential areas for collaboration and future work.
This event is open to interested researchers, practitioners and policy makers in and around Cambridge, and is free to attend. Please register here to participate.
For information on future events in this series please contact Rachel Cavanagh and Susie Grant