Lara Perez Miguel
Honorary Researcher
I am a marine geophysicist focused in the analysis of oceanic basins and continental margins, including sedimentary processes and seismic stratigraphic analysis. I work with the interaction of tectonic, oceanographic and climatic processes and their evolution through time. Particularly, I study the bottom currents depositional and erosional features, sea-level oscillations, ice-stream-related depositional wedges, glacial morphology and ice sheets history. I have been working in both Antarctic and Arctic polar margins and deep basins, building a global perspective of the Cenozoic evolution of Earth.
I am focused on the evolution of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet within the framework of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Global Fellowship WAMSISE (H2020-MSCA-IF-GF-2017 no.: 792773): West Antarctic Margin Signatures of Ice Sheet Evolution. The main aim of this project is examine the record of ice sheet evolution on West Antarctic continental margins from middle Miocene to present and clarify the factors controlling the major sedimentary changes and their global implications.
I am now Senior Researcher at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland.
Research interests
Polar Regions dynamics: sedimentary processes & tectonic, oceanographic and cryospheric interaction
2018-2021 Marie Curie research fellow at British Antarctic Survey (UK). Global Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (MSCA) grant number 792773: West Antarctic Margin Signatures of Ice Sheet Evolution (WAMSISE).
2017-2018: Researcher at the Department of Geophysics at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS; Denmark). Geocenter Danmark project: Sedimentary processes in the Arctic Ocean: tectonic, oceanographic and climatic implications.
2015-2017: Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Geophysics at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS; Denmark), studying the seismic architecture of the northeast Greenland margin in the framework of the ‘Glaciated North Atlantic Margins (GLANAM)’ project (Marie Curie Initial Training Network: ITN–FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN) grant number 317217. Supervisor: Tove Nielsen (GEUS).
2011-2015: PhD candidate at the Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra – CSIC-UGR (Spain), studying the tectonic and stratigraphic evolution of the Scotia Sea – Antarctica, in the PhD project: ‘Onset and evolution of the Scotia Sea oceanic basins (Antarctica): tectonic, sedimentary and palaeoceanographic implications’. Spanish Research Council (CSIC): JAE-Predoctoral studentship.
Research ID: H-3572-2015
Scopus Author ID: 55801130800
Publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals
Pérez, L.F., Nielsen, T., Rasmussen, T.L., Winsborrow, M. Quaternary interaction of cryospheric and oceanographic processes along the central-east Greenland margin. DOI:10.1111/bor.12340
Pérez, L.F., Nielsen, T., Knutz, P.C., Kuijpers, A., Damm, V. 2018. Large-scale evolution of the central-east Greenland margin: new insights to the North Atlantic glaciation history. Global and Planetary Change, 163, 141-157. DOI:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2017.12.010
Shephard, G.E., Wiers, S., Bazhenova, E., Pérez, L.F., Mejía, L.M., Johansson, C., Jakobsson, M., O’Regan, M. A North Pole thermal anomaly? Evidence from new and existing heat flow measurements from the central Arctic Ocean. Journal of Geodynamics, 118, 166-181. DOI:10.1016/j.jog.2018.01.017.
Pérez, L.F., Nielsen, T., 2017. Asynchronous ice sheet development along the central East Greenland margin: a GLANAM project contribution. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin, 38, 61-64.
Pérez L.F., Maldonado, A., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Lodolo, E., Bohoyo, F., Galindo-Zaldívar, J., 2017. Tectonic and oceanographic control of growth patterns in a small oceanic basin: Dove Basin (Scotia Sea, Antarctica). Basin Research, 29, 255-276. DOI: 10.1111/bre.12148.
García, M., Lobo, F.J., Maldonado, A., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Bohoyo, F., Pérez, L.F., 2016. The contourite depositional systems of the Scan Basin, southern Scotia Sea, Antarctica: Recent sedimentary processes and conceptual implications. Marine Geology, 378, 361-373. DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2016.01.011.
Pérez, L.F., Bohoyo, F., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Casas, D., Galindo-Zaldívar, J., Ruano, P., Maldonado, A., 2016. Tectonic activity evolution of the Scotia-Antarctic Plate boundary from mass transport deposit analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121, 2216–2234. DOI: 10.1002/2015JB012622.
Lodolo, E., Pérez, L.F., 2015. An abandoned rift in the southwestern part of the South Scotia Ridge (Antarctica): Implications for the Bransfield Strait genesis. Tectonics, 34 (12), 2451-2464. DOI: 10.1002/2015TC004041.
Pérez, L.F., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Esteban, F.D., Tassone, A., Piola, A.R., Preu, B., Violante, R.A., Lodolo, E., 2015. Erosional and depositional contourite features at the western Scotia Sea-southern Atlantic Ocean transition: links with regional water mass circulation from middle Miocene to Present. Geo-Marine Letters, 35, 271-288. DOI: 10.1007/s00367-015-0406-6.
Galindo-Zaldívar, J., Puga, E., Bohoyo, F., González, F.J., Maldonado, A., Martos, Y.M., Pérez, L.F., Ruano, P., Schreider, A.A., Somoza, L., Suriñach, E., Díaz de Federico, A., 2014. The magmatism, structure and age of the Dove Basin (Antarctica): a key to reveal the South Scotia Arc development. Global and Planetary Change, 123, 249-268. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2014.07.021.
Maldonado, A., Bohoyo, F., Galindo-Zaldívar, J., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Lobo, F.J., Lodolo, E., Martos, Y.M., Pérez, L.F., Schreider, A.A., Somoza, L., 2014. A model of oceanic development by ridge jumping: opening of the Scotia Sea. Global and Planetary Change, 123, 152-173. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2014.06.010.
Pérez, L.F., Lodolo, E., Maldonado, A., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Bohoyo, F., Galindo-Zaldívar, J., Lobo, F.J., Burca, M., 2014. Tectonic development, sedimentation and paleoceanography of the Scan Basin (southern Scotia Sea, Antarctica). Global and Planetary Change, 123, 344-358. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2014.06.007.
Pérez, L.F., Maldonado, A., Bohoyo, F., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Vázquez, J. T., Lobo, F.J., Martos, Y. M., 2014. Depositional processes and growth patterns of isolated oceanic basins: the Protector and Pirie basins of the Southern Scotia Sea (Antarctica). Marine Geology, 357, 163-181. DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2014.08.001.
Ruano, P., Bohoyo, F., Galindo-Zaldívar, J., Pérez, L.F., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Maldonado, A., Medialdea, T., García, M., 2014. Mass-transport processes in the southern Scotia Sea: Evidence of paleoearthquakes. Global and Planetary Change, 123, 374-391. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2014.06.009.
Somoza, L., Leon, R., Medialdea, T., Pérez, L.F., Gonzalez, F.J., Maldonado, A., 2014. Seismic evidences of the occurrence of fluid flow and gas hydrates in the Scotia Sea. Global and Planetary Change, 123, 359-373. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2014.08.004.
Martos, Y.M., Maldonado, A., Lobo, F.J., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Pérez, L.F., 2013. Tectonics and palaeoceanographic evolution recorded by contourite features in southern Drake Passage (Antarctica). Marine Geology, 343(0), 76-91. DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2013.06.015
Publications in peer-reviewed conference proceedings
Hernández-Molina, F.J., Larter, R.D., Thomas, E., Pérez, L.F., Eagles, G., Bohoyo, F., Lodolo, E., Chuang-Xuan, X., Dalziel, I.W.D., Stow, D.A.V., Escutia, C., Biddle, J., Sijp, W., Harwood, D., Tassone, D.A., 2016. Onset and development of the Drake Passage and Scotia Sea gateways and its influence on global ocean circulation and climate (IODP proposal). Geo-Temas, 16 (2), 601-604.
Pérez, L.F., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Esteban, F., Tassone, A., Violante, R., Piola, A.R., Maldonado, A., Lodolo, E., 2014. Middle-Slope Terraces in the Northern Scotia Sea and Southern Atlantic Ocean: Palaeoceanographic Implications. VLIZ Special Publication 69, 39-40.
Maldonado, A., Acosta, A., García, M., Lobo, F.J., Martos, Y., Pérez, L.F., Puga, E., Bohoyo, F., Casas, D., González, F.J., León, R., Medialdea, T., Somoza, L., Galindo-Zaldivar, J., Larrad-Revuelto, M., Rey-Díaz de Rada, J., Bozzano, G., Elizondo, M.E., Esteban, F., Pelzmajer, M., 2013. Dredged rock samples from the southwestern Scotia Sea (SCAN 2013): remnants from the South America-Antarctic continental bridge. Bollettino di Geofisica teorica ed applicada, 54 (2), 330-333.
Pérez, L.F., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Esteban, F., Tassone, A., Piola, A., Maldonado, A., Lodolo, E., 2013. Contourite features in the Northern Scotia Sea: tectonic, sedimentary and palaeoceanographic implications. Bollettino di Geofisica teorica ed applicada, 54 (2), 337.
Pérez, L.F., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Maldonado, A., Lobo, F.J., 2012. Stratigraphic analysis of the Scan Basin (south Scotia Sea, Antarctica): palaeoceanographic implications. Geo-Temas, 13, 215
Pérez, L.F., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Bohoyo, F., Maldonado A., Vázquez, J.T., Lobo, F.J., Martos, M.Y., 2011. Distribución del espesor sedimentario en las cuencas Protector y Pirie (Mar de Scotia, Antártida): factores de control. Geogaceta, 50 (2), 133-136.
Lobo, F.J., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Maldonado, A., Galindo-Zaldívar, J., Bohoyo, F., Martos-Martín, Y., Pérez, L., Rodríguez-Fernández, J., Vázquez, J.T., 2010. Furrows and channels in Scan Basin, southern Scotia Sea: tracking the path of the Weddell Sea Deep Water? Geo-Temas, 11, 105-106.
Martos-Martín, Y., Bohoyo, F., Galindo-Zaldívar, J., Hernández-Molina, F.J, Lobo, F.J., Maldonado, A., Pérez, L.F., 2010. Shallow crustal structure and evidences of bottom current flows imprinted on contourite deposits of the SW Scotia Sea basin (Antarctica). Geo-Temas, 11, 117-118.
Pérez, L.F., Hernández-Molina, F.J, Bohoyo, F., Maldonado, A., Vázquez, J.T., Galindo-Zaldívar, J., Lobo, F.J., Martos-Martín, Y., 2010. Contourite deposits in Protector Basin (Antarctica). Geo-Temas, 11, 135-136.
Publications from NERC Open Research Archive
Pérez, Lara F. ORCID record for Lara F. Pérez, McKay, Robert M., De Santis, Laura, Larter, Robert D. ORCID record for Robert D. Larter, Levy, Richard H., Naish, Timothy R., Anderson, John B., Bart, Philip J., Busetti, Martina, Dunbar, Gavin, Sauli, Chiara, Sorlien, Christopher C., Speece, Marvin. (2022) Early to middle Miocene ice sheet dynamics in the westernmost Ross Sea (Antarctica): Regional correlations. Global and Planetary Change, 216. 14 pp. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2022.103891
Warnock, Jonathan P., Reilly, Brendan T., Raymo, Maureen E., Weber, Michael E., Peck, Victoria ORCID record for Victoria Peck, Williams, Trevor, Armbrecht, Linda, Bailey, Ian, Brachfeld, Stephanie, Du, Zhiheng, Fauth, Gerson, García, Marga M., Glüder, Anna, Guitard, Michelle, Gutjahr, Marcus, Hemming, Sidney, Hernández‐Almeida, Iván, Hoem, Freida S., Hwang, Ji‐Hwan, Iizuka, Mutsumi, Kato, Yuji, Lee, Bridget, Martos, Yasmina M., O’Connell, Suzanne, Pérez, Lara F. ORCID record for Lara F. Pérez, Ronge, Thomas A., Seki, Osamu, Tauxe, Lisa, Tripathi, Shubham, Zheng, Xufeng, Stoner, Joseph, Scherer, Reed P.. (2022) Latitudinal variance in the drivers and pacing of warmth during mid‐Pleistocene MIS 31 in the Antarctic Zone of the Southern Ocean. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 37. 15 pp. 10.1029/2021PA004394
Bailey, Ian, Hemming, Sidney, Reilly, Brendan T., Rollinson, Gavyn, Williams, Trevor, Weber, Michael E., Raymo, Maureen E., Peck, Victoria L. ORCID record for Victoria L. Peck, Ronge, Thomas A., Brachfeld, Stefanie, O'Connell, Suzanne, Tauxe, Lisa, Warnock, Jonathan P., Armbrecht, Linda, Cardillo, Fabricio G., Du, Zhiheng, Fauth, Gerson, Garcia, Marga, Glueder, Anna, Guitard, Michelle, Gutjahr, Marcus, Hernández‐Almeida, Ivan, Hoem, Frida S., Hwang, Ji‐Hwan, Iizuka, Mutsumi, Kato, Yuji, Kenlee, Bridget, Martos, Yasmina M., Perez, Lara F. ORCID record for Lara F. Perez, Seki, Osamu, Tripathi, Shubham, Zheng, Xufeng. (2022) Episodes of early Pleistocene West Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat recorded by Iceberg Alley sediments. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 37. 26 pp. 10.1029/2022PA004433
Pérez, Lara ORCID record for Lara Pérez, De Santis, Laura, McKay, Robert M., Larter, Robert D. ORCID record for Robert D. Larter, Ash, Jeanine, Bart, Phil J., Böhm, Gualtiero, Brancatelli, Giuseppe, Browne, Imogen, Colleoni, Florence, Dodd, Justin P., Geletti, Riccardo, Harwood, David M., Kuhn, Gerhard, Laberg, Jan Sverre, Leckie, R. Mark, Levy, Richard H., Marschalek, James, Mateo, Zenon, Naish, Timothy R., Sangiorgi, Francesca, Shevenell, Amelia E., Sorlien, Christopher C., van de Flierdt, Tina, International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition, 374 Scientists. (2022) Early and middle Miocene ice sheet dynamics in the Ross Sea: Results from integrated core-log-seismic interpretation. GSA Bulletin, 123. 348-370. 10.1130/B35814.1
Marschalek, J.W., Zurli, L., Talarico, F., van de Flierdt, T., Vermeesch, P., Carter, A., Beny, F., Bout-Roumazeilles, V., Sangiorgi, F., Hemming, S., Perez, L.F. ORCID record for L.F. Perez, Colleoni, F., Hillenbrand, C-D. ORCID record for C-D. Hillenbrand, Gasson, E., Siegert, M.J., Van Peer, T.E., Licht, K., Browne, I., Shevenell, A., Harwood, D., Keisling, B., Levy, R., Kuhn, G., Kulhanek, D.K., Perotti, M., Dodd, J., Boshuis, C., De Santis, L., McKay, R.M.. (2021) A large West Antarctic Ice Sheet explains early Neogene sea-level amplitude.. Nature, 600. 450-455. 10.1038/s41586-021-04148-0
Lobo, F.J., López-Quirós, A., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Pérez, L. ORCID record for L. Pérez, García, L.F., Evangelinos, D., Bohoyo, F., Rodríguez-Fernández, J., Salabarnada, A., Maldonado, A.. (2021) Recent morpho-sedimentary processes in Dove Basin, southern Scotia Sea, Antarctica: A basin-scale case of interaction between bottom currents and mass movements. Marine Geology, 441. 18 pp. 10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106598
Colleoni, Florence, De Santis, Laura, Naish, Tim R., DeConto, Robert M., Escutia, Carlota, Stocchi, Paolo, Uenzelmann-Neben, Gabriele, Hochmuth, Katharina, Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID record for Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, van de Flierdt, Tina, Perez, Lara F. ORCID record for Lara F. Perez, Leitchenkov, German, Sangiorgi, Francesca, Jamieson, Stewart, Bentley, Michael J., Wilson, David J., PAIS Community, inc., Ferraccioli, Fausto ORCID record for Fausto Ferraccioli, Hindmarsh, Richard ORCID record for Richard Hindmarsh, Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID record for Dominic A. Hodgson, Larter, Robert D. ORCID record for Robert D. Larter. (2021) Past Antarctic ice sheet dynamics (PAIS) and implications for future sea-level change. In: Florindo, Fabio, Siegert, Martin, De Santis, Laura, Naish, Tim (eds.). Antarctic Climate Evolution 2nd edition, Elsevier, 689-768. 10.1016/B978-0-12-819109-5.00010-4
McKay, Robert M., Escutia, Carlota, De Santis, Laura, Donda, Federica, Duncan, Bella, Gohl, Karsten, Gulick, Sean, Hernández-Molina, Javier, Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID record for Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, Hochmuth, Katharina, Kim, Sookwan, Kuhn, Gerhard, Larter, Robert ORCID record for Robert Larter, Leitchenkov, German, Levy, Richard H., Naish, Tim R., O’Brien, Phil, Perez, Lara F. ORCID record for Lara F. Perez, Shevenell, Amelia E., Williams, Trevor. (2021) Cenozoic history of Antarctic glaciation and climate from onshore and offshore studies. In: Florindo, Fabio, Siegert, Martin, De Santis, Laura, Naish, Tim (eds.). Antarctic Climate Evolution 2nd edition, Elsevier, 41-164. 10.1016/B978-0-12-819109-5.00008-6
Levy, Richard H., Dolan, Aisling M., Escutia, Carlota, Gasson, Edward G.W., McKay, Robert M., Naish, Tim, Patterson, Molly O., Perez, Lara F. ORCID record for Lara F. Perez, Shevenell, Amelia E., Flierdt, Tina van de, Dickinson, Warren, Kowalewski, Douglas E., Meyers, Stephen R., Ohneiser, Christian, Sangiorgi, Francesca, Williams, Trevor, Chorley, Hannah K., Santis, Laura De, Florindo, Fabio, Golledge, Nicholas R., Grant, Georgia R., Halberstadt, Anna Ruth W., Harwood, David M., Lewis, Adam R., Powell, Ross, Verret, Marjolaine. (2021) Antarctic environmental change and ice sheet evolution through the Miocene to Pliocene – a perspective from the Ross Sea and George V to Wilkes Land Coasts. In: Florindo, Fabio, Siegert, Martin, De Santis, Laura, Naish, Tim (eds.). Antarctic Climate Evolution 2nd edition, Elsevier, 389-521. 10.1016/B978-0-12-819109-5.00014-1
Reilly, Brendan T., Tauxe, Lisa, Brachfeld, Stefanie, Raymo, Maureen, Bailey, Ian, Hemming, Sidney, Weber, Michael E., Williams, Trevor, Garcia, Marga, Guitard, Michelle, Martos, Yasmina M., Pérez, Lara F. ORCID record for Lara F. Pérez, Zheng, Xufeng, Armbrecht, Linda, Cardillo, Fabricio G., Du, Zhiheng, Fauth, Gerson, Glueder, Anna, Gutjahr, Marcus, Hernández‐Almeida, Iván, Hoem, Frida S., Hwang, Ji‐Hwan, Iizuka, Mutsumi, Kato, Yuji, Kenlee, Bridget, O’Connell, Suzanne, Peck, Victoria ORCID record for Victoria Peck, Ronge, Thomas A., Seki, Osamu, Tripathi, Shubham, Warnock, Jonathan. (2021) New magnetostratigraphic insights from Iceberg Alley on the rhythms of Antarctic climate during the Plio‐Pleistocene. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 36. 27 pp. 10.1029/2020PA003994
Pérez, Lara ORCID record for Lara Pérez, Martos, Yasmina M., García, Marga, Weber, Michael E., Raymo, Maureen E., Williams, Trevor, Bohoyo, Feranando, Armbrecht, Linda, Bailey, Ian, Brachfeld, Stephanie, Glüder, Anna, Guitard, Michelle, Gutjahr, Marcus, Hemming, Sidney, Hernández-Almeida, Iván, Hoem, Frida S., Kato, Yuji, O'Connell, Suzanne, Peck, Victoria L. ORCID record for Victoria L. Peck, Reilly, Brendan, Ronge, Thomas A., Tauxe, Lisa, Warnock, Jonathan, Zheng, Xufeng, Scientists, IODP Expedition 382. (2021) Miocene to present oceanographic variability in the Scotia Sea and Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics: Insight from revised seismic-stratigraphy following IODP Expedition 382. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 553. 15 pp. 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116657
Pérez, Lara F. ORCID record for Lara F. Pérez, Jakobsson, Martin, Funck, Thomas, Andresen, Katrine J., Nielsen, Tove, O'Regan, Matt, Mørk, Finn. (2020) Late Quaternary sedimentary processes in the central Arctic Ocean inferred from geophysical mapping. Geomorphology, 369. 15 pp. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107309
Catalán, M., Martos, Y.M., Galindo-Zaldivar, J., Perez, L.F. ORCID record for L.F. Perez, Bohoyo, F.. (2020) Unveiling Powell Basin’s tectonic domains and understanding its abnormal magnetic anomaly signature. Is heat the key?. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8. 10.3389/feart.2020.580675
López-Quirós, Adrián, Lobo, Francisco J., Escutia, Carlota, García, Marga, Hernández-Molina, F. Javier, Perez, Lara F. ORCID record for Lara F. Perez, Bohoyo, Fernando, Evangelinos, Dimitris, Salabarnada, Ariadna, Maldonado, Andrés, Naveira Garabato, Alberto C.. (2020) Geomorphology of Ona Basin, southwestern Scotia Sea (Antarctica): Decoding the spatial variability of bottom-current pathways. Marine Geology, 422. 10.1016/j.margeo.2020.106113
Perez, Lara F. ORCID record for Lara F. Perez, Henández-Molina, F. Javier, Lodolo, Emanuele, Bohoyo, Fernando, Galindo-Zaldívar, Jesus, Maldonado, Andrés. (2019) Oceanographic and climatic consequences of the tectonic evolution of the southern scotia sea basins, Antarctica. Earth-Science Reviews, 198. 18 pp. 10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.102922
WAMSISE: West Antarctic Margin Signatures of Ice Sheet Evolution (H2020-MSCA-IF-GF-2017 no.: 792773 WAMSISE).
- Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) Council member 2018-2019
- Alternate member of the Science Evaluation Panel (SEP) of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) in June 2018
- Marie Curie Fellow, PICC