8 March, 2006 News stories

Every year the BA (British Association for the Advancement of Science) coordinates science activities all over the UK to enable people of all ages to take part in science, engineering and technology activities. This years National Science Week is from 10th – 19th March.

During this year’s National Science Week, Play Antarctica will be performed at the Unicorn Theatre in London. Aimed at children aged 8+ Play Antarctica is a musical journey based on the real-life expedition of musician Craig Vear into the Antarctic.

Inspired by the great explorers of the early twentieth century, Craig’s mission was to gather and record the sounds that make up the music of this frozen world. With puppeteer Sean Myatt and actor Tim Kane, Play Antarctica recreates an awe-inspiring voyage to reach the heart of the earth’s last wilderness through a spectacular surround-sound experience.

Craig Vear, musician and electro-acoustic composer, is a winner of the joint fellowship with Arts Council England and British Antarctic Survey’s Artists and Writer Programme, which funded his trip to Antarctica. A diary of his adventures was published in The Guardian.

Play Antarctica runs from 10 March – 30 April. Tickets are £12.50 for adults and £8 for children and concessions. To book, call 08700 534534 or visit www.unicorntheatre.com

You can find out more about the BA, National Science Week and events happening all over the country by visiting the BA website.

The British Antarctic Survey website provides information about the science conducted by the survey and the current key topics being researched by BAS staff. The Living and Working pages include information about BAS research stations as well as links to BAS webcams and virtual tours of the BAS ships.

General information about Antarctica including frequently asked questions and information about the geography and wildlife of Antarctica can be found in About Antarctica. While the School Zone includes questions frequently asked by children and a Fun and Games Puzzle Zone to test your Antarctic knowledge.