Ozone measurements with star-pointing spectrometers

Part 1 Historical frontiers: vibrational spectroscopic contributions to chemisorption and catalysis. Part 2 Instrumentation: recent advances in kinetic infrared spectroscopy; spectroscopic concentration determination without calibration; scope and limitations of concentration-modulated absorption spectroscopy; electrochemically modulated infrared spectroscopy using a step-scanning FTIR spectrometer; application to the Fe(CN)6 3-/Fe(CN)6 4- couple; applications of Raman microscopy and Raman imaging; an error model for near infrared spectroscopic instruments; the new possibilities of luminescence spectroscopy of microscopic matter; characterization of single hydrocarbon fluid inclusions by fluorescence excitation-emission micro-spectroscopy; spectroscopic imaging of polyethylene; ozone measurements with star-pointing spectrometers. Part 3 Nuclear magnetic resonance: recent advances in high-resolution chemical NMR spectroscopy of solids; SFC/NMR on-line coupling; structural determinations of organic compounds in the environment by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry; solid state proton NMR and dynamic mechanical analysis studies of polymer latex blends. Part 4 Biological applications: speciation of selenium in human serum by size exclusion chromatography and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry; the investigation of varietal differences among sorghum crop residues using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy; the influence of energy migration on fluorescence kinetics in photosynthetic systems; flow injection procedures with spectrophotometric detection for the determination nitrate and nitrite in riverine, estuarine and coastal waters; quantitative determination of chlorophyll. Part 5 Spectrometric determinations. Part 6 Chemometrics. (Part contents).


Publication status:
Authors: Roscoe, H.K., Taylor, W.H., Evans, J.D., Strong, E.K., Fish, D.J., Freshwater, R.A., Jones, R.L.

Editors: Andrews, D.L., Davies, A.M.C.

On this site: Howard Roscoe
1 January, 1995
In: Andrews, D.L., Davies, A.M.C. (eds.). Frontiers in analytical spectroscopy, Cambridge, Royal Society of Chemistry, 66-74.