Measurements of stratospheric composition using a star pointing spectrometer

Measurements of stratospheric composition have been made with a novel star-pointing spectrometer. The instrument consists of a telescope that focuses light from stars, planets, or the moon onto a spectrometer and two dimensional CCD array detector. Atmospheric absorptions can be measured, from which atmospheric columns of several gases can be determined. The instrument was deployed in Abisko, 69 deg N, during the European Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Experiment (EASOE). The instrument has the potential for measuring O3, OClO, NO2, and NO3. In this paper, a method for the retrieval of vertical columns is described, and some examples of ozone measurements given.


Publication status:
Authors: Fish, Deb J., Jones, Rod L., Freshwater, Ray A., Roscoe, Howard K., Oldham, Derek J.

Editors: Hudson, R.D.

On this site: Howard Roscoe
1 January, 1994
In: Hudson, R.D. (eds.). Ozone in the troposphere and stratosphere, part 2, Greenbeld, MD, Goddard Space Flight Center, 671-674.