High-resolution airborne gravity imaging over James Ross Island (West Antarctica)

James Ross Island (JRI) exposes a Miocene-Recent alkaline basaltic volcanic complex that developed in a back-arc, east of the northern Antarctic Peninsula. JRI has been the focus of several geological studies because it provides a window on Neogene magmatic processes and paleoenvironments. However, little is known about its internal structure. New airborne gravity data were collected as part of the first high-resolution aerogeophysical survey flown over the island and reveal a prominent negative Bouguer gravity anomaly over Mt Haddington. This is intriguing as basaltic volcanoes are typically associated with positive Bouguer anomalies, linked to underlying mafic intrusions. The negative Bouguer anomaly may be associated with a hitherto unrecognised low-density sub-surface body, such as a breccia-filled caldera, or a partially molten magma chamber. Citation: T. A. Jordan, F. Ferraccioli, P. C. Jones, J. L. Smellie,


Publication status:
Authors: Jordan, T.A. ORCIDORCID record for T.A. Jordan, Ferraccioli, F. ORCIDORCID record for F. Ferraccioli, Jones, P.D., Smellie, J.L., Ghidella, M., Corr, H., Zakrajsek, A.F.

Editors: Cooper, A.K., Raymond, C.R., ISAES Editorial Team, .

On this site: Fausto Ferraccioli, Hugh Corr, Tom Jordan
1 January, 2007
In: Cooper, A.K., Raymond, C.R., ISAES Editorial Team, . (eds.). Antarctica: a keystone in a changing world. Online proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Santa Barbara, California, August 26 - September 1, 2007, National Academy Press, 4 pp.
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