Chapter 1: Framing and Context of the Report


Publication status:
Authors: Abram, N., Gattuso, J.-P., Prakash, A., Cheng, L., Chidichimo, M.P., Crate, S., Enomoto, H., Gaschagen, M., Gruber, N., Harper, S., Holland, E., Kudela, R.M., Rice, J., Steffen, K., von Schuckmann, K., Bindoff, N., Collins, S., Colvin, R., Farinotti, D., Hilmi, N., Hinkel, J., Hock, R., Magnan, A., Meredith, Michael P. ORCIDORCID record for Michael P. Meredith, Pandey, A., Shrestha, M.S., Sinisalo, A., Sutherland, C., Williamson, P.

Editors: Pörtner, H.-O., Roberts, D.C., Masson-Delmotte, V., Zhai, P., Tignor, M., Poloczanska, E., Mintenbeck, K., Alegría, A., Nicolai, M., Okem, A., Petzold, J., Rama, B., Weyer, N.M.

On this site: Michael Meredith
1 January, 2019
In: Pörtner, H.-O., Roberts, D.C., Masson-Delmotte, V., Zhai, P., Tignor, M., Poloczanska, E., Mintenbeck, K., Alegría, A., Nicolai, M., Okem, A., Petzold, J., Rama, B., Weyer, N.M. (eds.). IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change,