Kevin Hank
Physical Scientist - Ice Sheet Modeller
- 2024-present: Ice sheet modeller, British Antarctic Survey
- 2019-2024: PhD, Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Title: “Numerical ice sheet modeling of Heinrich Events”.
- 2016-2019: MSc, Department of Geophysics, Universität Hamburg.
- 2013-2016: BSc, Department of Geophysics, Universität Hamburg.
Research interests
- Ice sheet modelling with a particular focus on Thwaites Glacier
- Basal drag and implementation of basal sliding laws
- Increasing confidence in predictions of future sea level rise
- Hank, K.: Numerical ice sheet modeling of Heinrich Events, PhD thesis,, 2024
- Hank, K., Tarasov, L., and Mantelli, E.: Modeling sensitivities of thermally and hydraulically driven ice stream surge cycling, Geosci. Model Dev., 16, 5627–5652,, 2023.