15 January, 2018 News stories

2018 Year of Engineering – take a closer look

British Antarctic Survey is delighted to be part of the Year of Engineering 2018 – a year-long, cross Government initiative to raise the profile of engineering and inspire the next generation of engineers. Throughout the year we will be drawing attention to the exciting innovations in polar engineering that enables frontier science in Antarctica and the Arctic.  Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Inspiring the next generation

We want to inspire the next generation of brilliant engineers with tales of what it’s like to be a polar engineer now.  We’d love to get school children, their parents and teachers talking about the opportunities an engineering career can offer, and how a career in engineering could help you make a difference and shape to the world we live in.

Take a closer look

Delve into our website to take a closer look at the wide variety of engineering jobs at BAS.  Meet the creative electronics and mechanical engineers who design and develop drilling technologies that bore through the ice to collect ice, sediment and water samples that provide a record of the Earth’s past climate and provide clues about life in our future world.

Imagine what it could be like to work as an engineer onboard the RRS Sir David Attenborough – the new polar research ship for Britain that’s being commissioned by NERC, built by Cammell Laird and, from 2019 will be operated by BAS.

Discover the engineering and technology behind the construction programme to modernise the UK’s Antarctic research stations.  Learn about the new wharf that’s being built to accommodate the RRS Sir David Attenborough.

Antarctic marine engineers develop scientific sampling systems for research ships

Get involved

Teachers and students can have fun designing an Antarctic research station using the award-winning online learning resource www.discoveringantarctica.org.uk.  Schools and STEM Ambassadors can sign up for the Polar Explorer https://www.stem.org.uk/polar-explorer-educational-resources Programme website to access amazing online resources.

Job opportunities

Keep an eye on our jobs pages to find out if there’s an engineering job for you – there’s no better time to be a polar engineer!

Year of Engineering animated