The open first meeting of the EC Framework 7-funded research programme ice2sea takes place in Krakow, Poland on the 17th & 18th March. A five-year project, involving scientists from 24 institutions across Europe, ice2sea features studies of key glacial processes in Greenland and Antarctica, improved interpretation of satellite information about current changes to ice mass, the development of more reliable techniques for predicting ice sheet response to environmental change. A key goal is the production of comprehensive projections of the contribution of continental ice to sea-level rise over the next 200 years.

This ambitious programme is coordinated by Professor David Vaughan of the British Antarctic Survey. He said,
“The Ice2sea project gives us a fantastic opportunity to pool the knowledge, skills and expertise of scientists from 12 European countries. Between us we will deliver the most comprehensive assessment of the sources of uncertainty regarding future sea-level rise — essential for scientists, policy makers and society.”
For more information see: