Eric, mechanical services technician

Eric has principally worked in maintenance for the marine based industry and spent several years in the Merchant Navy. He joined BAS as a Mechanical Services Technician and is based at Rothera Research Station.

A change of life

“I hated small office politics, the commuting in London, the lack of space and the super-inflated egos that seemed to predominate in the corporate world.

Antarctica is a big, white desert where your neighbours are penguins, seals and the odd passing whale. There are no McDonald’s wrappers lying around and no mobile telephones going off. I’ve swapped all that for a more peaceful existence overlooking the sea and cosseted by mountains and glaciers”.

Work and play

“My job is plumbing mainly, but I do lots of other things besides — all in the name of keeping the station up and running. When I’m not helping out around the station, I’ve been reading lots of books, going for walks and watching icebergs drift by. The scuba diving is fantastic; and if you like camping, skiing, snowboarding and climbing, you’re in for a treat.

Or if you’re like me, you might want to settle for a good book, a cup of tea, bit of a leisurely walk, occasional yoga and the odd dive”.

Any negatives?

“I’ve been hankering for a few things, like a good draught pint of Guinness and fresh milk”.

Summing up

“Overall, it’s a chance to live and work in an enchanting place and be part of society that is warm, gracious and very entertaining. It’s a place that can make you feel very, very small and at the same time remarkably warm”.