‘Life on the Ice’ follows the journey of a polar scientist, from the specialist clothes they wear, the vehicles they use to travel around, and what it’s like to live and work in the Antarctic. The live event took place from 1:30pm – 2:15pm (including 10 minutes for Q&A) and is for Upper KS2 / Lower KS3 (Y5,6 & 7).
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The lesson will support the curriculum and explain how sustainable technologies and renewable energy plays a part in ensuring scientific research can be carried out on the continent for many years to come.
The experts will also join us live in the studio at the end of the lesson to answer your students’ questions!
How to register: visit the sign-up form for schools for this FREE UKS2 and LKS3 live lesson and here’s more information including the lesson guide.
Time: 1:30PM – 2:15PM (Inc. 10 minutes for Q&A) |