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Reviewer Access

Reviewer Access to Embargoed Data

These instructions are a guide for those reviewing datasets prior to publication.

Please be reassured that your identity will remain anonymous throughout this process.

  • Visit the given Ramadda URL where the data are hosted. Because of issues with our load balancer and Google Chrome, use a browser other than Chrome. Firefox is known to work.
  • On the top right hand side, there is a gear cog icon. Click on this and select ‘Login’. Small cog icon.
    • Login with the given credentials.
    • Navigate back to the page.
  • The data files will be visible in a table below the abstract.
  • To download a single file, expand its entry and click the green download icon (a downward-pointing arrow).

Graphical user interface, text.


  • To download multiple files, click the menu icon in the top left area of the files table.File download icon
    • Choose ‘Zip and Download Files’ for a selection of files, or ‘Zip and Download Tree’ for a whole folder of files, from the ‘Apply Action’ drop-down menu.
    • Click the ‘All’ button to download all files, or choose specific files using their checkboxes and clicking the ‘Selected’ button.

Screenshot of table showing multiple files
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