JCR Arctic Update 22nd July 2013

24 July, 2013

Another day of thick fog in the morning and then clearing during the afternoon.  The ship was only a few miles off the coast of Greenland and it was lovely to see.  There was a heavy patch of sea ice between us and the coast and a number of seals were sighted.  Then,  after a lot of pondering,  it was decided that a polar bear could also be seen,  very well camouflaged on the ice.

This warranted further investigation.

Once closer it was seen to be a mother and her two cubs.

I think the picture below is of a  ‘fog-bow’ or ‘Ulloa’s Ring’.  According to the Marine Observers Handbook,  which is the bible of all things weather related for the mariner,  this  is known as a ‘white rainbow’ and is formed when raindrops are very small,  as in the case of some cloud or fog.  For a fog-bow to be seen the observer must be close to the cloud,  or near or in the fog.  We managed the latter!

The final picture for this report is just a lovely view.  With near mirror seas and ice,  this picture had to be included.

Noon Position Report:

Latitude: 74° 48.5 N
Longitude: 017° 36.0 W
Bearing: 245 °T, 506 Nm from Longyearbyen
Cruise Number: JR288
Distance Travelled: 149
Total Distance Travelled: 1879
Steam Time: 12.52
Total Steam Time: 176.59
Average Speed: 11.90
Total Average Speed: 10.64
Wind: Direction E, Force 1
Sea State: Calm
Air Temp: 1 °C Sea Temp: 1.5 °C
Pressure: 1017.5 Tendency (3hrs): Falling