Oct – The end of Winter
30 October, 2007 BAS Bloggers
Hi, I’m Ali the Marine Assistant; I arrived at Rothera in December 2006 and shall be based here for a total of 2½ years. The month of October marked the …
Found 887 items
30 October, 2007 BAS Bloggers
Hi, I’m Ali the Marine Assistant; I arrived at Rothera in December 2006 and shall be based here for a total of 2½ years. The month of October marked the …
30 September, 2007 BAS Bloggers
Well the 1st of September marks the beginning of spring in the Southern Hemisphere and we have definitely seen the change of the season here at Bird Island in more …
30 September, 2007 BAS Bloggers
One of the great secrets of the Halley winter is that the period after the end of permanent darkness is filled with bad weather. While the fresh-faced eager first year …
31 August, 2007 BAS Bloggers
By Rob Dunn Wintering Technician Welcome to the August diary from Bird Island. We have been enjoying the snow-covered hills that have now been around for a while. I remember …
31 August, 2007 BAS Bloggers
August already. How time flies. With the coming of the summer light, many of the yearly jobs can now be undertaken, jobs which have been caused by the relentless Antarctic …
31 August, 2007 BAS Bloggers
Muster. Muster! MUSTER!!!! The fire alarm? Not the toaster again! As all at KEP gathered at the muster point the alarm fell silent. No Fire or drill this time…Olaf our …
30 August, 2007 BAS Bloggers
Hello and welcome to the August diary of Rothera Research Station, I’m Jim the Boating Officer, or JimBoat to the locals, and I excitedly volunteered to indulge readers with the …
31 July, 2007 BAS Bloggers
Welcome back to BIRD ISLAND July diary, right in the middle of the winter. July has been the coldest month since the winter started but not only, it’s been also …
31 July, 2007 Neil Brough
Some months in the Antarctic calendar are slightly less exciting than others for various reasons but still have enough originality to be enjoyed, more so by the fresh and innocent …
30 July, 2007 BAS Bloggers
Rothera July Diary My name is Kelvin Murray, I am the Field Diving Officer and my job is to manage all diving operations at Rothera. I work very closely with …
30 June, 2007 BAS Bloggers
June is a very important month in the BI calendar. With the last ships of summer having left us long ago, all of the seals and most of the albatrosses …
30 June, 2007 BAS Bloggers
Midwinter Mischief June here was all about Midwinter, the biggest event in the Antarctic calendar. Most people (myself included), spent every spare moment in the run up to Midwinter’s Day …
30 June, 2007 BAS Bloggers
Hi everyone and greetings from Rothera Research Station Antarctica. My name is Richard and I’m the wintering Electrician. This is my second consecutive winter here at Rothera but the joys …
15 June, 2007 BAS Bloggers
New Faces The First New People Arrive At Halley Click here to Go BackThe first arrivals to break the Winter isolation were the Russian/Canadians who came in November in the …
15 June, 2007 BAS Bloggers
Simon Herniman, GA After five months of diaries I’m only too aware that my vocabulary simply can’t do Signy justice. Just go there if you can. Simon Herniman
31 May, 2007 BAS Bloggers
Welcome to a summary of what has been happening down here at Bird Island during the merry, merry month of May! While you all back in the Northern Hemisphere may …
31 May, 2007 BAS Bloggers
May be the month of Pirates. No wait, not pirates, I mean Sundown. Or is it Ninjas? I’m going to go with Sundown. A setting Sun, to most people wont …
30 May, 2007 BAS Bloggers
Hello and welcome to our first proper month of winter here at Rothera. By winter proper I don’t mean that its all that much colder (we don’t get the really …
30 April, 2007 BAS Bloggers
April Diary Hello from Bird Island. It was great to finally arrive after doing a stint at Halley this summer, and a brief stay at Signy. I thought I would …
30 April, 2007 BAS Bloggers
The Halley Diary for April 2007 was written by Thomas Spieß (FOCAS UAV scientist). English | Deutsch
30 April, 2007 BAS Bloggers
From the meteorological view the Antarctic autumn lasts from 1st of march to 31st of May. So, April is right in the middle of the Austral autumn. It is the …
30 April, 2007 BAS Bloggers
Aus meteorologischer Sicht dauert der antarktische Herbst vom 1.3. bis zum 31.5. Somit ist der April mittendrin im antarktischen Herbst. Und man wird sich bewusst: Der Sommer mit seinen angenehmen …
30 April, 2007 BAS Bloggers
April is a month of transition, the start of the austral winter, which means that the last of the summer visitors say farewell, snow arrives (rather early this year) and …
19 April, 2007 BAS Bloggers
It’s 4 am in the morning on 19th April and I’m on Night Watch, a good opportunity to write the monthly web diary, or so I thought! Hello, I’m Birgit, …
31 March, 2007 BAS Bloggers
Bird Island, March Dairy On 7th of March 17h00, I just came back from Big Mac (macaroni penguin colony) when Ali our Base Commander was calling the Base on the …
31 March, 2007 BAS Bloggers
March is an underrated time of year at Halley, falling in the Antarctic Autumn, a season sandwiched between the hustle and bustle of summer and the stunning auroras of winter. …
31 March, 2007 BAS Bloggers
March started with a bang as several of the KEP crew tested out their thespian talents performing “Little Box of Oblivion”. The short play with 5 characters in it was …
30 March, 2007 BAS Bloggers
THE MONTH MARCHETH… “The first day of March was once the time for taking the young virgins into the fields, there in dalliance to set an example in fertility for …
28 February, 2007 BAS Bloggers
February is usually an odd month at Halley. The summer ends, the crowds depart, and Halley is left in the hands of the wintering team once again. A huge amount …
28 February, 2007 BAS Bloggers
February on base…? What a month for all-round activities, from work, our daily base life, to our continuing discovery of this wondrous island. Cumberland Bay this month played a very …
28 February, 2007 BAS Bloggers
The end is nigh. Firstly I’m going to cheat a little, only by a few days, but I’ll start this month’s diary at the end of January. This is because …
31 January, 2007 BAS Bloggers
January – gone already – I cant believe it. This month is dedicated to the South Georgia Pipit – the most remarkable bird in the southern ocean in my opinion. …
31 January, 2007 BAS Bloggers
Unlike last year, when relief finished by New Years Eve, this year the madness started on New Year’s Day. After a week of the ship being stuck 50 miles from …
31 January, 2007 BAS Bloggers
The New Year started for some of us (Miriam Iorwerth, Andrew Chase, Anjali Pande & Andy Barker) waking up near Maiviken Hut in bivvy bags with the sun beating down …
31 December, 2006 BAS Bloggers
BIRD ISLAND DIARY – DECEMBER I feel as if it is my duty to warn you that this edition of the Bird Island Diary is being written by an American, …
31 December, 2006 BAS Bloggers
Happy New Year! Hope you all had an excellent Christmas as well. It’s been a bit strange here, not being bombarded by the constant Christmas advertising since September it all …
31 December, 2006 Agnieszka Fryckowska
Festive, Restive and Joyful To many, December makes us think of winter, of short days, long coats, bustling winds and curling up in front of the fire with a duvet …
30 November, 2006 BAS Bloggers
November Newsletter – by Iain Staniland “Ah Remember remember the month of NovemberAlbatross penguins and pups” Anon. Well something like that anyway. This month I get the chance to write …
30 November, 2006 BAS Bloggers
November — Who needs running water? November at Halley saw an average temperature of -9.2°C, average pressure of 978.8hPa, mean scalar wind speed of 14.8 knots. We had 21 days of …
30 November, 2006 BAS Bloggers
There really can’t be many experiences on earth like a South Georgia spring. Even when you’re looking forward to it, it grabs you. And it’s that bit more special because, …
30 November, 2006 Claire Waluda
10 November – Base Relief After our initial arrival date of Saturday 4th November was confounded by sea ice that was thick enough to walk on but not thick enough …
31 October, 2006 BAS Bloggers
October has been a month of new arrivals, and some farewells on both the animal and human side of things. This month has also seen the winter period, when there …
31 October, 2006 BAS Bloggers
October is a busy month here at Halley. We have many winter trips going on and a lot of other stuff to have the base ready for the summer season, …
31 October, 2006 BAS Bloggers
Well the quiet at KEP is well and truly over with this month seeing ‘first call’, the first cruise ship and yachts flying in and out of the cove. We …
30 October, 2006 BAS Bloggers
The End of Winter by Jamie Fletcher Well, it’s almost the end of winter and a very busy time both for work and socially. I have asked several of my …
30 October, 2006 Julian Klepacki
October, the month of spring. The waiting hours creep silently across the shining skies. There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce …
30 September, 2006 BAS Bloggers
Sunshine and snow on Bird Island September has to be my favourite month of the winter. The days are getting significantly longer and the weather is just the best – …
30 September, 2006 Mark Wales
September started for us with temperatures of -40°C and lower, even a simple task of walking to one of the other platforms requires dressing up in full combat gear completely …
30 September, 2006 BAS Bloggers
BEHIND THE SCENES By Richard Logan Hello to everyone from Rothera Antarctic Research Station and welcome to September’s Web Diary. Have we got a corker of a diary this month …
31 August, 2006 BAS Bloggers
August has whizzed by with the return of the sun and the trips to see the Emperor penguins. During the first week of August I was very fortunate to combine …
30 August, 2006 BAS Bloggers
An active August People back home often ask us how we spend our time during the winter – I think some people imagine us huddled around the stove in a …
31 July, 2006 BAS Bloggers
With the Antarctic Darts Championship under our belts, midwinter done and dusted and no imminent birthday celebrations, July was always going to be a quieter month. I thought I would …
31 July, 2006 BAS Bloggers
July traditionally a month of lulls, was full of anticipation and preparations for the return of the sun to brighten up our days. It got off to a swinging start …
31 July, 2006 BAS Bloggers
Well once again it’s my distinct pleasure to say a big and third hello to all you dedicated, passionate readers of the KEP News Letter. It’s also a pensive hello, …
30 July, 2006 BAS Bloggers
At the start of this month’s diary I feel obliged to warn you this entry is long (probably befitting of 3 female writers!). So if you are not already sitting …
30 June, 2006 BAS Bloggers
It’s been all go on all fronts down here at Bird Island over the last month, this is going to be bit of an epic so would advise getting a …
30 June, 2006 BAS Bloggers
June is a month which seems to be largely compressed into a week, the week around our winter solstice. Midwinter is a big issue down here, signifying the point at …
30 June, 2006 BAS Bloggers
It is now November 2006, so my apologies for the lateness of this newsletter. So here are a lot of pictures for that month with a few lines of what …
30 June, 2006 BAS Bloggers
June, month of maximums, minimums, everything, nothing and mid-winter! Hello everybody it is I, Riet, the chef here at Rothera and I will tell you about the beautiful month of …
31 May, 2006 BAS Bloggers
Finally a month alone, and what a great month it has been! The base is now well and truly complete – the beginning of the month saw Matt (with help …
31 May, 2006 BAS Bloggers
Hello from Halley. This month started off with the May Bank Holiday. In the absence of a maypole we considered dancing round one of the Comms masts but the idea …
31 May, 2006 BAS Bloggers
Welcome one and all to another rip-roaring month of excitement on our very own private island. Well I am not going to bore you all with elaborate tales of the …
30 May, 2006 BAS Bloggers
Well hello, may I take this opportunity to formally welcome you to the month of May? What does May symbolise in good old Blighty? Spring has sprung, summer well on …
30 April, 2006 BAS Bloggers
What a month it has been. The first day of April bought the start of this year’s Wandering Albatross chick census, with the eight members of base all taking to …
30 April, 2006 BAS Bloggers
Well, another month passes at Halley. For me, April started with a week on nightshift. As well as the pleasure of cleaning the toilets every night, this was also a …
30 April, 2006 BAS Bloggers
April has been a month of transition. The weather has changed from a summer / autumnal feeling to one of winter, visitors have changed from holiday makers to seasoned fishermen …
30 April, 2006 BAS Bloggers
After days of false starts, the RRS Ernest Shackleton finally departed for sunnier climes (and Grimsby) on April 2nd. We waved and shouted our goodbyes between deck and wharf as …
31 March, 2006 BAS Bloggers
And the end of another summer on Bird Island has arrived. The penguins have fledged, the albatross chicks are growing up fast with their adult feathers showing through under the …
31 March, 2006 BAS Bloggers
Working Hard Winter is on its way. Halley feels almost empty as the summer crowd have escaped and left sixteen happy souls to make the place their own. March is …
31 March, 2006 BAS Bloggers
March has come and gone – all too quickly we feel. Another winter approaches and we say goodbye to cruise ships and yachts for another season. Although in saying that …
30 March, 2006 BAS Bloggers
By Tim Burton photos by Tim Burton, Lowri Bowen and Chris Martin Mad March. So much is happening. Emotions are running high as people either prepare for their return to …
28 February, 2006 BAS Bloggers
Aaahhh, and relax. The Bird Island Redevelopment Project drew to a satisfied close on the 3rd February, with the removal of the building and demolition waste from the beach. We …
28 February, 2006 BAS Bloggers
A few words from Alex Gough — Winterer for 2006 Well, everyone’s about to leave us in peace. Almost everyone went early on Saturday morning, but five or six spare …
28 February, 2006 BAS Bloggers
February – what a month! Where to begin? Martin had asked if I’d like to go over and help break down the Hound Bay field camp. Daft question – of …
28 February, 2006 BAS Bloggers
People are always asking me what it’s like working in Antarctica; we ask ourselves the same questions, since each of us go to different stations and field camps. What can …
31 January, 2006 BAS Bloggers
January was heralded by the obligatory hangovers, which were soon forgotten by getting back to work on seals, seabirds, IT, and multiple base tasks. The seal team closed the SSB …
31 January, 2006 BAS Bloggers
Well this time last year I had just finished work in South Wales and was starting my run into working for BAS. Of course 2 months holiday recovering from the …
31 January, 2006 BAS Bloggers
I’m serving in the Royal Navy, I joined just over two years ago as a pilot and have been lent to BAS for a few months to work here at …
31 December, 2005 BAS Bloggers
What a month! December, usually a month of joyous celebration has lived up to this reputation admirably on Bird Island. The RRS James Clark Ross now long gone, it was …
31 December, 2005 BAS Bloggers
New faces At the beginning of the month with the arrival of the aeroplanes new people come to Halley. Basler DC3 The first arrivals to break the Winter isolation were …
31 December, 2005 BAS Bloggers
Christmas at KEP On the back of the madness that was November comes of course December, the work that never ends, the odd party or celebration and of course for …
30 December, 2005 BAS Bloggers
Rothera Web Diary December 2005 by Pat Fielder Well there we go, the blink of an eye and another month has disappeared under our belts here at sunny Rothera-by-the Sea. …
30 November, 2005 BAS Bloggers
Another month of comings and goings As mentioned at the end of last month, on the 29th, the Morrisons boys turned up, along with our resident base commander Vicky Auld, …
30 November, 2005 BAS Bloggers
First visitors It feels strange to recall the end of the winter now that summer is in full swing! During November we went on the last of the post winter …
30 November, 2005 BAS Bloggers
Excitement abounds Hi to all the devoted readers of the KEP Newsletter. November has been quite a milestone at KEP. The majority of KEPers celebrated their first year on South …
30 November, 2005 Peter Milner
Most people at home have a slightly false impression of Antarctica in the summer. As I’m saying final farewells some people think I’m mad and others think it’s a great …
31 October, 2005 BAS Bloggers
Bird frenzy October is always the transition month on Bird Island. Its begins with skiing, short-ish days, clear beaches with leopard seals and elephant seals matching fur-seal numbers, skies only …
31 October, 2005 BAS Bloggers
Perpetual Sunlight Well the month started with a long storm with the pressure dropping off the charts (for those met geeks among us). This kept the Sledge Golf party (Kev …
31 October, 2005 BAS Bloggers
Spring is in the air Well once again it’s my pleasure to say a big hello to all you dedicated readers of the King Edward Point News Letter. A lot …
30 September, 2005 BAS Bloggers
The Last Aurora! Are you sure it’s September already? I’m sure it’s already been said but it is amazing how quickly time passes down here. The beginning of the month …
30 September, 2005 BAS Bloggers
A quiet month September is a quiet month at KEP – time to wind down in between the fishing season and the tourist season. That, combined with not having a functional …
30 September, 2005 BAS Bloggers
The Tale of Two Jigsaws Our Midwinter song was, ‘Wake Me Up When September Ends’. Well woken up we have, that is woken up to the tremendously enjoyable pastime of …
31 August, 2005 BAS Bloggers
A fun and frantic month Hello and welcome to Bird Island’s August web page! Well, it has been another fun-filled and frantic month. We have had a few extremes of …
31 August, 2005 BAS Bloggers
Sun Up!, written by Mike Rooney As usual, August was a busy, fun packed month. We found ourselves looking eagerly towards the Northern Horizon for a brief hint of the …
31 August, 2005 BAS Bloggers
Another action-packed month Another action-packed month down at the KEP OK Coral. There have been a few getaways this month. The only problem was however the amount of time spent …
30 August, 2005 BAS Bloggers
Rothera Diary, August 2005 As August began to rise above the horizon and into view people were beginning to stir, the threat of heading out into the field and away …
31 July, 2005 BAS Bloggers
Snow, sun and skis July has sped by, bringing with it snow and ice and some great sunny days too enabling the skis to come out and some time to …
31 July, 2005 BAS Bloggers
Another month passes quickly, written by Jamie Koplick (Heating/Ventilation Engineer) The month began pretty much the same as all the others, without me realising it! Time really does fly down …
31 July, 2005 BAS Bloggers
Back to normal July has arrived with the promise of longer days and hopefully for our intrepid skiers, heavy snow. It also heralded the return to normality after the mid-winter …